Guia docente 2018_19
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Degree in Telecommunications Technologies Engineering
  Principles of Digital Communications
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Problem solving Short exercises (partial tests) related to the contents explained during the masterclasses and in the laboratory. 3 exercises will be proposed for assessment; some of them will be completed in A hours, while the remaining one(s) will be completed at home. All these 3 exercises will be completed individually. The dates of those tests will be approved by the Comisión Académica del Grado (CAG) and will be available at the beginning of the semester.

Each exercise will have a weight of 10% in the final mark for the students assessed by continuous evaluation.
30 B3
Project based learning Realisation of a practical project in groups, that will be evaluated individually in C hours during the last week of the course.

This is a mandatory activity for both those students who choose to follow the continuous evaluation, and those who do not, yielding in both cases the 40% of the final mark.
40 B3
Essay questions exam Final exam, where the studen will have to solve some exercises; this exam will be the fourth test for those students who chose continuous evaluation. The weight will be 60% for those students that do not follow continuous evaluation, and 30% for those who do. 30 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

For those students that choose continuous evaluation the final note will be obtained as:

Npartials + Nproject + Nexam

where Npartials denotes the mark accumulated in the partial tests, up to 3 points; Nproject denotes the mark obtained in the practical project, up to 4 points; and Nexam denotes the mark of the final exam up to 3 points. In order to pass the sbuject, the student has to obtain a minimum mark of 3.5 points (out of 10) in the final exam; if that minimum threshold is not achieved, the final mark of the student will be that obtained in the final exam, although he/she has chosen continuous evaluation. The partial tests will not be repeated.

For those students who did not choose continuous evaluation, the final mark will be obtained as:

Nproject + Nexam

where Nproject denotes the mark obtained in a practical project specifically designed for non-continuous evaluation students, up to 4 points; and Nexam denotes the mark of the final exam up to 6 points. In order to pass the sbuject, the student has to obtain a minimum mark of 3.5 points (out of 10) in the final exam; if that minimum threshold is not achieved, the final mark of the student will be that obtained in the final exam.

The final exam for those students who choose single (non-continuous) evaluation might have more exercises than the exam of those students who chose continuous evaluation.

The student has to choose, after the realisation of the second partial test, if he/she chooses continuous evaluation or single one, informing about it to the teacher within the established period of time. Those students who chose continuous evaluation and did not pass the subject will be assigned the qualification "Failed" independently that they present to the final exam or not.

The mark in the partial exams will be considered for the recovery exam, but not for subsequent courses. In recovery exam the students that choose continuous evalution can decide if they want to keep the mark obtained in the partial tests and the homework/s, or if they want to be evaluated just by considering the final exam (with 60% weight) and the project (40%).

In the case that plagiarism is detected in any of the reports/exams done/taken, the final score for the subject will be 'fail' (0) and the teachers will inform the School authorities of the affaire so that they take the appropriate measures. Besides, the teachers will inform the School authorities of any conduct against ethics by the students, the possibility existing that the School authorities take the appropriate measures.  
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000