Educational guide 2018_19
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Degree in Telecommunications Technologies Engineering
  Internet Services
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Self-assessment They will do two test of self-evaluation along the subject on the theoretical concepts that the students have learnt up to such point.
0 B3
Laboratory practice The code that implements the projects will be evaluated to discover if all works according to the requirements and specifications established by the teachers.
50 B3
Essay questions exam There will be a theoretical examination at the end of the subject concerning the contents seen in it. Besides, the student must PASS a practical exam in the laboratory (related with the practical tasks) to check that the student dominates properly his/her own code.
50 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

The subject is composed of a theoretical part and a practical part. Each one of them is valued  with 5 points, having to obtain at least 2,5 points in each part to pass the subject.

Following the guidelines of the career  two systems of evaluation will be offered  to the students following this subject: continuous assessment and eventual assessment.

Continuous assessment (EC):

- The student follows the continuous assessment from the moment he delivers a practice.

- The theoretical part is composed of a final exam (with a value of 5 points). This final exam will be the same for all the students, independently that they have opted or not by the EC. Additionally, the students following the EC can receive until 1 extra point from the activities realized in class and/or through the forum of the subject. These points will be added  to the grade of theory, adjusting it to 5 if the result were above.

- The practical part is composed of three practices, none of them strictly compulsory to approve.

- The first practice is valued with 0,25 points, will be delivered along the month of October, and will be reviewed  in the class of laboratory. The student will have to correct the errors found, moment in which he will obtain the indicated grade.

- The second practice is valued with 2,25 points and can be delivered until a week before the exam. After delivery, the student will have to correct the errors identified by the professors until the practice work properly, with dead-line until a week before the exam. Once obtained the approval of the professors, the student will receive the indicated grade.

- The third practice is valued 2,5 points and can be delivered from the approval of the practice 2, to the end of classes. The practice will be evaluated as delivered, without possibility of correction of the errors observed.

- Practical exam: The day of the exam a practical test will be done in the laboratory for each one of the practices 2 and 3, to check that the student master the code of his practices. This practical test will have a result of PASS or FAIL for each practice. 

The grade of the practical part will be the addition of the grade of the practice 1 and of the grades of those practices for which has obtained a qualification of APTO in the practical test.

In the case that the resultant grade is less than 2,5 points, the student will have to deliver the practices of the second chance and pass the practical test.

Eventual assessment (EU): The students that have not opted by the EC will have to attend the theoretical exam and deliver the practices before finishing the classes (with the modifications specified). Later, and until a week before the day of the exam, they will have to correct the errors identified by the professors in the practices 1 and 2 until obtaining approval. Besides, they will have to pass the practical test. 

Passing the subject : Both in EC and in EU, to pass the subject the student will have to obtain at least 2,5 points in each part. In the case of not obtaining the minimum grade in any of the parts, the grade obtained adding both parts will be reduced  to 4 points in the case to be above such grade.

Second call: the student will have to fulfil the part that has not passed in the first call (examination and/or practices with their subsequent tests). The practices could suffer modifications or incorporate additional functionalities that will be communicated in along March.

Extraordinary call: it will have the same characteristics than the second call. The practices could suffer modifications or incorporate additional functionalities that will be communicated along July.

Plagiarism is regarded as serious dishonest behavior. If any form of plagiarism is detected in any of the tests or exams, the final grade will be FAIL (0), and the incident will be reported to the corresponding academic authorities for prosecution.

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