Guia docente 2018_19
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Degree in Telecommunications Technologies Engineering
  Computer Networks
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Autonomous practices through ICT The students must develop a network program individually. There will be several presential sessions for tutoring with the professor and for developing, testing and debugging the program in the laboratory where this will be tested and evaluated. It has a weight of 20% but a minimum qualification of 3.5 points is
20 B1
Autonomous problem solving During the course, with a roughly weekly periodicity, different tasks, activities, exercises, self-assessment tests must be made in the virtual classroom in an individual and autonomous way. These activities have a global weight of 10% 10 B4
Essay questions exam Final exam covering all the lessons. It has a weight of 50% but a minimum qualification of 3.5 points is required 50 B3
Objective questions exam Two control tests will be done. The first one will cover lessons 1 to 4 and the second one lessons 5 to 8. Each control test has a 10% weight. 20 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

The students can choose the method of Assessment,
continuous or eventual.

Continuous Assessment (CA) 

It consists of:

  • Two midterm
    control tests (C1 and C2) covering, respectively, the contents of the
    lessons 1 to 4, and 5 to 8. Each control test has a 10% weight in the Final
    Grade (FG). The schedule of the midterm/intermediate exams will be approved in the Comisión
  • Académica de Grado (CAG) and will be available at the beginning of each academic semester.
  • The development
    of a network program (PR). The deadline will be published together with
    the specifications, but it will always be between the last practical class and
    the day of the final exam in May. Compliance with the prescriptions and
    the quality of the software will determine the qualification of this program.
    Together with the specifications, an assessment guide will be published. This
    program must be done and delivered individually. The PR will
    represent 20% of the Final Grade (FG), and it is required to reach 3.5
    points in this program to be able to pass the subject.
  • The participation in the online activities in the virtual environment, that
    represents 10% of the Final Grade (FG). During the course, tasks,
    activities, exercises, and self-assessment tests will be proposed with a weekly
    periodicity in the virtual classroom. These activities must be done by all
    students in an autonomous and individual way. The realization of these
    activities allows obtaining "merit points" (MP) up to a
    maximum of 100 points (in case of all activities are evaluated with the maximum
    grade). The grade of this section will be equal to the amount of MP
    divided by 100
    . In order to facilitate the achievement of the maximum
    amount of points, additional optional tasks will be proposed throughout the
  • The virtual classroom includes a gamification system based
    in other types of points and several gamification elements and mechanisms to
    motivate students to make the activities and participate in a meaningful way in
    forums of doubts and discussions. This system allows students to get rewards to
    be used in exams and assignments.
  • A final exam (FE) covering all contents, with a weight of 50% of the
    Final Grade (FG). A minimum qualification of 3.5 points on 10 is

FG-CA = 0.1×C1 + 0.1×C2 + PM/100 + 0.2×NP + 0.5×FE if FE and NP> = 3.5

Otherwise, FG-CA = min(4.9, FE) 

It is considered that a student chooses CA when taking any midterm control
test (C1 or C2). If any of these control tests are not made, the grade will be
"0". These control tests will be not recoverable.

Eventual Assessment (EA)

It will consist on the realization of the same FE at the end of the term,
and on the delivery of the same proposed network program (NP) for those who go
through the CE. The delivery dates will also be the same.

Students who do not take any midterm control test, compulsorily opt for the
Eventual Assessment.

The grade of NP in this case is simply APT (with a numeric value 1), if the
qualification of this program is equal or greater than 5.0, or NOT APT (with a
numeric value 0) if the quelification is less than 5.0 or if the NP is not
delivered, in which case the final grade will be 40% of the FE. That is,

FG-EA = (0.4 + 0.6 × NP) × FE

Second call

In the official dates, a new final exam (FE) will be done only for students
not passing in the first call. Students will also be allowed to deliver
a new NP consisting of a modified version of the program of the first
call, and whose specifications will be published with at least 4 weeks
with respect to the deadline, that it will never be later than this second
final exam.

For students who chose CA,
these FE and NP represent an opportunity to improve the grade in these with
respect to the first call, and so the calculation of the final grade
considers the best grade obtained. 

For students who chose EA, the FE and the NP are considered joint and
inseparable, that is,  

FG-EA = Max{(0.4 + 0.6×NP-1st) × FE-1st, (0.4 +
0.6NP-2nd) × FE-2nd} 

Those students who have failed in the first call by going through
Continuous Assessment and wish to renounce it in order to choose the Eventual Assessment, will have to request it in writing to the coordinator before the
review date of the first final exam. In this case, the conditions to approve
the subject are exactly the same as those of the rest of the students that are
presented by EA, being therefore obligatory the delivery of a new PR with the
specifications of this second call. In this case, any reward obtained by the CA activities in the virtual classroom is also waived.

Extraordinary call

Students presenting to this extraordinary call must approve
the FE, to be done at the officially established dates and obtain an
APT grade in the practice NP, that must be delivered before the
date of this FE. The specifications of this practice are the same
as those of the second call. It is mandatory to deliver this practice on
time, although it has already been delivered in the second call.

The final grade of this call will be that of the EF if
the NP is APT, and 40% of the EF if the NP is

Other comments

All students presenting to any of the exams, C1, C2, EF or PR are
considered to be presented to the subject. The grades for all exams, partial or
final, and activities will affect only the actual academic year.

The virtual classroom platform has tools to detect possible anomalous and
dishonest behaviors in self-assessment tests (tests carried out among several
people, previously known answers, etc.), as well as to detect plagiarism in
written works or in software programs.

Plagiarism is regarded as serious dishonest behavior. If any form of plagiarism is detected in any of the works/test/exams, including the activities on the virtual platform, the final grade will be FAIL (0), and the incident will be reported to the corresponding academic authorities for prosecution.

In case of any contradiction that may occur between the different versions
of the guide, due to some error in the translation, the version that will
prevail is the Galician language version.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000