Guia docente 2018_19
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Degree in Telecommunications Technologies Engineering
  Digital Electronics
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Laboratory practices The lecturer will check the level of compliance of the students with the goals related to the laboratory skills. Final mark of laboratory, FML, will be assessed in a 10 points scale. For the evaluation of the laboratory sessions, the lecturer will assess the group work (the same mark for each member) and the individual answers to personalized questions for each session (individual mark). 20 B13
Problem solving The lecturer will check the students' skills to solve exercices and troubleshooting. Marks for each test will be assessed in a 10 points scale. Final mark of theory, FMT, will be assessed in a 10 points scale. 80 C14
Other comments on the Evaluation

1. Continuous
assessment (first call)

According to the guidelines of the degree and the
agreements of the academic commission, a continuous assessment
learning scheme will be offered to the students.

When the students perform a troubleshooting test
or attend at least two laboratory sessions, they will be
assessed by continuous assessment

The subject comprises two different parts: theory
and laboratory. Once a task has been assessed, the students can not
do/repeat the task at a later date. The marks are valid only for the
current academic course.

1.a Theory

Three exercises and troubleshooting tests (ETT)
are scheduled. The first and second intermediate tests (ETT1 and ETT2) will be performed during the classes. The scheduling of the intermediate tests will be approved by the Academic Committee of the Degree (CAG) and will be available at the beginning of the semester. The final
test (FETT) will be performed during the examination period in the
date specified in the academic calendar. Marks for each test will be
assessed in a 10 points scale. In order to pass this part, students
will be require to obtain at least a mark of 4 in the final test
(FETT>=4). In this case the final mark of theory (FMT) will be:

FMT = max{FETT ; (0.2·ETT1 + 0.2·ETT2 + 0.6·FETT)}.

However, when the
students do not pass the final test (FETT less than 4), the final
mark of theory will be:

FMT = min{4 ; max{FETT ; (0.2·ETT1 + 0.2·ETT2 +

The students cannot do the tests at a later date.
The student who miss a test will be assessed with a mark of 0 for
that test.

1.b Laboratory

Thirteen laboratory sessions are scheduled. Each
session lasts approximately 120 minutes and the students will work in
pairs whenever possible. The first five sessions are guided
practices. In these sessions, the instrumentation and software
resources will be presented and the students will configure a
programmable logic device following the design flow. These five
sessions are mandatory but will not be assessed. The following
seasons will be assessed by continuous assessment. Each session will
be only evaluated according to the developed work at the schedule
date. The marks for these laboratory sessions (LSM) will be assessed
in a 10 points scale. The lecturer will consider the work of the
students carried out before the laboratory session to prepare the
proposed tasks, the work in the laboratory to deal with them as well
as the student’s behavior. Only sessions 6 to 13 will be assessed.
A mark of 0 will be obtained for missing sessions. In order to pass
the laboratory part, the students can not miss more than two
laboratory sessions. In this case, the weighted points from all
assessed sessions are added together to calculate the final mark of
laboratory (FML):

FML = (LSM6 + LSM7 + LSM8 + LSM9 + LSM10 + LSM11 + LSM12
+ LSM13) / 8.

For the students who miss more than two laboratory
sessions, the with a final mark of laboratory will be:

FML = min{4 ; (LSM6 + LSM7 + LSM8 + LSM9 + LSM10 + LSM11
+ LSM12 + LSM13) / 8}.

1.c Final mark of the subject

The weighted points from all assessed parts are
added together to calculate the final mark (FM). The following
weightings will be applied: 80% theory (FMT) and 20% laboratory
(FML). In order to pass the subject, students will be require to
obtain at least a mark of 5 in each part (FMT>=5 and FML>=5).
In this case the final mark (FM) will be:

FM = (0.8·FMT + 0.2·FML).

However, when the students do not pass both parts
(FMT or FML less than 5), the final mark will be:

FM = min{4, (0.8·FMT + 0.2·FML)}.

A final mark higher than five points (FM >= 5)
should be achieved in order to pass the subject.

2. Eventual assessment (first call)

The students who prefer
a different educational policy can attend an exam on a scheduled
date. This assessment consist on a theory exam and laboratory exam. In
order to attend the laboratory exam, the students have to contact to
the lecturer at least two weeks before the exam.
This way, the organization of the laboratory exam will be simpler.

The theory exam will consist on an exercises and
troubleshooting test (FETT). Mark for this test will be assessed in a
10 points scale. The final mark of theory (FMT) will be:


The laboratory exam will consist on the resolution
of a practical exercise in the laboratory. This practical exercise
will be similar to those made in the laboratory sessions. The final
mark of laboratory (FML) will be assessed in a 10 points scale.

In order to pass the subject, students will be
required to pass the laboratory and theory exams. The minimum mark
required to pass each part is of 5 (FMT>=5 and FML>=5). In this
case the final mark (FM) will be:

FM = (0.8·FMT + 0.2·FML).

However, when the students do not pass both parts
(FMT or FML less than 5), the final mark will be:

FM = min{4 ; (0.8·FMT + 0.2·FML)}.

A final mark higher than five points (FM >= 5)
should be achieved in order to pass the subject.

3. Second call assessment and extraordinary call assessment

These assessments consist on a
theory exam and a laboratory exam. Dates will be specified in the
academic calendar. In order to attend the laboratory exam, the
students have to contact to the lecturer at least two
weeks before the final exam.

In second call assessment, the marks obtained in the
first chance assesment, continuous assessment or semester assessment, are kept
for those parts in which the student has not attended (FMT or FML). The
final mark will be calculated as it has described in section 2 (semester assessment).

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000