Guia docente 2018_19
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Degree in Telecommunications Technologies Engineering
  Electromagnetic Transmission
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Classroom jobs Short checks (see other comments) 25 B4
Problem solving Proof in which the student has to solve a series of problems in a time and conditions established by the teacher, applying the acquired knowledge. 40 B3
Objective questions exam Tests for evaluation of acquired skills including direct questions about a particular aspect. Students must respond directly and briefly based on their subject knowledge. 35 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

Following the guidelines of the degree two
evaluation systems will be offered: continuous assessment or single assessment.

Continuous assessment

assessment includes the
following tasks:

Classroom work (25%): four short checks carried out during practical hours.

- Test (35%): two quizzes (25% + 10%).

- Problem solving (40%): two exams, 20% weight each one.

The time schedule of these tasks, approved
by the CAG, will be available at the beginning of the semester.

These tasks are not recoverable, ie if a
student cannot fulfill on time the teacher has no obligation to repeat them and
will only be valid for the
academic year in which they are made

To pass the subject by this evaluation
system, 1/3 of the maximum score of each item in the above table must be
obtained and 50% minimum of the global score (sum of the three blocks) must be

After the first problem solving exam the student
must decide between the continuous assesment or the single assesment modes of
evaluation, in which
case they receive a grade, independently that they present to other tasks or
not. Failure to submit to this test implies that the evaluation choice is single assessment. If the minimum grade required is not obtained in
any of the three different tasks defined, the final grade will never be higher
than 4.5


Single assessment

In addition to the continuous assessment
system described above, the student may choose to perform one final exam that
will have three parts:

- Part I: test on measurement practices (10%) and
information search exercise (5%).

- Part II: questions (35%).

- Part III: problem solving (50%).

Second chance

It consists of a final exam with the same
characteristics and weights as indicated in the single assessment section.

Students who have opted
for the continuous assessment system may keep the grade (classroom work, test
or problem) in which they have exceeded the required minimum. In this case, the same weighting indicated
in the continuous assessment section is maintained.

Extraordinary call (end of career)

The system described in the
single assessment section will be applied.

To pass the subject at least 50% in the
total qualification must be obtained in any of the assessment systems and calls.
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000