Guia docente 2018_19
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Degree in Telecommunications Technologies Engineering
  Physics: Analysis of Linear Circuits
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Problem solving There will be 3 tests in Group A schedule: ECA1, ECA2 and ECA3. The score of each of these three tests will be: 1.5, 3 and 3 points, respectively. To pass the subject by continuous evaluation, it is compulsory to attend all three tests and obtain at least 0.75 points in the ECA3 test.

In 3 of the 11 sessions of Group B the resolution of an evaluable task (ECB1, ECB2, ECB3) with a maximum score of up to 0.5 points each will be considered, which means a total of 1.5 points.

The schedule of the tests will be approved in the CAG and will be available at the beginning of the semester.
90 B3
Laboratory practice This test (ECHW) is done during Group B hours in the hardware laboratory. The specific day will be approved by the academic board (CAG) and will be available at the beginning of the semester. It is a test related to assembly and measurement of circuits, and will have a maximum score of 1 point. In these exercises the ability to work in groups, the adjustment to the design specifications and the presentation of results will be evaluated.

In order to pass the subject by continuous evaluation, attendance at the two lab sessions (hardware) and its corresponding one is mandatory.
10 B3
Essay questions exam Additionally to the continuous evaluation system based on the results achieved on the aforementioned tests, the students will have the option of a final examination. This final exam can include test type and/or reasoning questions, problem solving and/or exercises, as well as the development of practical cases. The maximum mark achieved on this exam will be 10 points.
0 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

The student, in agreement to the official academic-year schedule, will have two opportunities during the academic year to pass the course:

1. First opportunity at the end of the semester. The student is free to choose the continuous evaluation system above described, without excluding the possibility to do a final exam. Possible cases:

  • The marks in all the evaluation tests are individual. 
  • Students only doing the continuous evaluation (addition of the ECA1,ECA2,ECA3,ECB1,ECB2,ECB3 and ECHW scores): they are graded with the points obtained in the continuous evaluation.
  • Students doing both the continuous evaluation and the exam: they are graded with the best of both qualifications.
  • Students only doing the final exam: they are graded with the points obtained in the exam.

2. Second opportunity (or Extraordinary Exam). Students that do not reach the minimum grade at
the end of the semester will have the option to do a final extraordinary exam
of the full content of the subject, theory and practice. The extraordinary exam
can include test type and/or reasoning questions, problem solving and/or
exercises, as well as the development of practical cases. The maximum mark achieved on this exam (between 0 and 10) will be the final grade.
It will replace the grade obtained during continuous evaluation (sum of the grades
obtained during tests and final exam).

Additional comments:

  • Students must attend to the group B assigned at the beginning of
    the semester.
  • Group B attendance control will be carried out.
  • Doing ECA2 or sucessives tests and/or the final exams will prevent the student to get the "Not presented" mark.
  • The  mark obtained during continuous evaluation will only be valid only for the
    corresponding academic year.

  • It will be considered that the subject has been passed if the final
    mark is equal or above 5.

Re-scheduling of tests. In case of missing a test, instructors have not any compulsion to rescheduling.

Test results. Before each test, the date and revision procedure of assigned grading marks will be indicated. Such dates will imply a reasonable delay (in general, not greater than three weeks) between the date of test and the release of the grading marks.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000