Guia docente 2018_19
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Degree in Telecommunications Technologies Engineering
  Business: Company Fundamentals
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Objective questions exam Proofs scored that will realise along the course, distributed of uniform form and programmed so that they interfere the less possible in the rest of the matters. 40 B4
Essay questions exam Final proof that can contain partial or totally the contents of the matter developed in the classes of theory and of practices.
60 B4
Other comments on the Evaluation

Following the proper guidelines of the degree will offer two systems of evaluation: continuous evaluation (with two options) and only evaluation at the end of the quarter. In any of the two systems of evaluation, this is individual and all the competitions of the subject remain evaluated.

1. Continuous evaluation

The continuous evaluation will consist of two
intermediate tests developed throughout the course, and which will be completed
with an exam at the end of the semester. The tests will consist of two exams,
with dates that will be planned in the Academic Committee of Degree and will be
available at the beginning of the semester. These tests do not release
material, but each of them will deal with the contents seen until the time of
the test, both in theory classes and practices, which is why the last test will
be given a greater weight in the calculation of the qualification with respect
to the previous one, so that the first test weighs 40%, and the second test

 If the student has passed the last test, and
obtained a weighted average with a grade of 5, he / she will be exempt from
taking the exam at the end of the semester. The grade obtained by the student
in this case will be the weighted average grade of the two tests.

 Students who do not pass the subject through
the two intermediate tests, will have to complete the continuous assessment by
taking an exam at the end of the semester that will consist of a test that will
represent 60% of the grade that will be added to the grade obtained in the
continuous evaluation (40% of the weighted average of the intermediate proofs).

 These tests are not recoverable, that is, if a
student does not perform them on the stipulated day, the teacher does not have
the duty to repeat them (unless there is a cause of force majeure). A student
will be considered to have opted for continuous assessment when participating
in the second test.

2. Students that opt by  unique evaluation

To the students that do not opt by the continuous evaluation will offer them a procedure of evaluation that allow them manage the maximum qualification. This procedure will consist in a final exam that include the contents developed in the classes of theory and of practices.

3. About the second oportunity

Stop the second opportunity the student chooses and communicates by writing (a week before the exame) wishes be evaluated again entirely envelope to maximum possible note or follow him applying the procedure of continuous evaluation stipulated in the subject keeping the note obtained in the previous tasks. Default, to the student save him the results of the proofs realized in this course.

4. Qualification Of No Presented

A student will consider no presented if, how maximum, took part in the first proof of continuous evaluation. In any another marry, the student will consider presented and will receive his corresponding note.

5. About the extraordinary final year oportunity

It will consist of an exam that includes the theoretical and practical contetns of the subject. 

Important notice

In the case of detection of copy in any of the proofs, the final qualification will be of Fail (0), and the fact will be communicated to the direction of the Centre. 

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000