Guia docente 2018_19
Facultade de CC. Económicas e Empresariais
Grao en Administración e Dirección de Empresas
  Statistics: Statistics
Topic Sub-topic
Lesson 1: Descriptive statistics. 1.1. Distribution of frequencies.
1.2. Measures of position, dispersion, and form.
1.3. Graphic representations.
1.4. Simple and complex index numbers. Properties. CPI.

Lesson 2: Probability theory. 2.1. Basic probability concepts.
2.2. Conditional probability and independent events.
Lesson 3: Random variables. 3.1. Definition of a random variable and its distribution function.
3.2. Characteristics of a random variable.
3.3. Main probability dsitributions.
3.4. Applications of the central limit theorem.
Lesson 4: Statistical inference. 4.1 Population, sample and their characteristics. Simple random sampling. Distributions associated with sampling in normal populations.
4.2. Point estimation. Concept of estimator and its properties.
4.3. Confidence intervals in normal populations.
4.4. Hypothesis testing. Formulation of hypotheses. Classic tests in normal populations.
Lesson 5. Use of statistical software of common use. 5.1. Introduction to the statistical software.
5.2. Descriptive analysis and probabilities.
5.3. Random variables and main probability distributions.
5.4. Statistical inference.
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