Guia docente 2018_19
Facultade de CC. Sociais e da Comunicación
Grao en Dirección e Xestión Pública
  Political and administrative institutions in a comparative perspective
   Learning outcomes
Expected results from this subject Training and Learning Results
That the students show to possess and comprise knowledges in an area of study that splits of basic secondary education general, and is used to find to a level that supports in books of text advanced, des *also *some appearances that involve pertinent knowledges of wool avant-garde of his field of study A1
That *the *students *have wool *capacity to gather and interpret notable data (usually inside *his area of study) to issue *trials that *include a reflection on notable subjects of *índole social, scientific the ethical A3
That *the *students *can transmit information, ideas, problems *and solutions to a so much specialised public how in the skilled A4
That *the *students *have developed *those skills of *necessary learning to undertake back studies with one high degree of autonomy A5
Be able to interpret data derived of wools *observations in relation with *his significance *and *relate them with wools appropriate theories in him field of wool direction *and *public management B5
*Capacity of **perseverancia in wool realisation of *tasks *and committed *and confidence in him own *work B6
**Receptividad In front of him change (internal *and external) *and *capacity of adaptation to *new *surroundings the circumstances (*adaptability) *and of *learning B8
Commitment with wool *responsibility *and wool **honestidad in him exert labour public *and personal B12
*Capacity of *analysis *and *synthesis for wool preparation *and defence of arguments D1
*Capacity of organisation, planning *and utilisation of him *time *and of self-supervision in front of *situations of pressure D2
Use of *foreign *tongues in wools activities of different wools **asignaturas D3
*Capacity for him *cooperative work in team/group *and *opened the different points of view *and *opinions D8
*Capacity for him *creative critical reasoning *and he *autocrítico D8
*Political institutions-Administrative in Perspective Compared. Comprise wool influence of him political system in *the administrative systems of states **OCDE C43
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000