Educational guide 2018_19
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Educación Primaria
  Internships: Practicum

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Final Year Dissertation/P02G120V01991

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Final Year Dissertation/P02G120V01991

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Education: Design and development of the primary education curriculum/P02G120V01201
Education: Educational and organisational foundations of learning/P02G120V01101
Education: New technologies applied to primary education/P02G120V01202
Education: Theory and history of education/P02G120V01102
History: History of the present/P02G120V01203
Psychology: Prevention and treatment of learning difficulties and developmental disorders/P02G120V01204
Psychology: Educational psychology: School learning processes/P02G120V01205
Psychology: Developmental psychology from 6 -12 years/P02G120V01103
Sociology: Society, culture and thought/P02G120V01104
Sociology: Sociology of education/P02G120V01105
Learning and development of motor skills in primary education/P02G120V01301
Experimental sciences/P02G120V01302
Visual and fine arts teaching/P02G120V01401
Experimental sciences teaching 1/P02G120V01402
Musical language and expression/P02G120V01403
Spanish language/P02G120V01303
Galician language/P02G120V01404
Mathematics and its teaching 1/P02G120V01304
Mathematics and its teaching 2/P02G120V01405
Instrumental groupings for primary school/P02G120V01921
Language and literature teaching: Spanish/P02G120V01506
Language and literature teaching: Galician/P02G120V01501
Experimental sciences teaching 2/P02G120V01502
Social sciences teaching/P02G120V01503
Environmental education for development/P02G120V01901
Arts education/P02G120V01902
Physical education and its teaching in primary education/P02G120V01601
Professional ethics/P02G120V01903
Teaching research and innovation/P02G120V01504
French language and its teaching/P02G120V01505
English language and its teaching/P02G120V01507
Language and literature: Spanish/P02G120V01603
Language and literature: Galician/P02G120V01602
New technologies for music education in primary education/P02G120V01925
Vocal technique and choir practice/P02G120V01926
Free body expression and dance/P02G120V01928
Introduction to religion and christianity/P02G120V01908
Literature for children and young people/P02G120V01910
Music in cultures/P02G120V01927
Other comments
Observations envelope the competitions: they Selected to prioritize some of the general or transversal competitions more importants stop the Practicum, and modified the formulation of the specific competitions of the ORDER ECI/3857/2007, or specified some another, to facilitate the concretion of the system of evaluation in the teaching guide itself in form of results still more concrete.
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