Guia docente 2018_19
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Natural sciences learning
Topic Sub-topic
The didactic of the experimental sciences for the future *profesorado of childish education. The didactic device for the education of the experimental sciences in the childish education.
Rationale, objectives, methodology, content and knowledge assessment contour area in early childhood education. Critical study of the curriculum of childish education for the area of knowledge of the outline of the decree of educations of the autonomous community of Galicia.
The resources for the education of the knowledge of the outline in the childish education. Knowledge and utilisation of didactic resources for the education of the area of knowledge of the outline.
Os contidos de ceñecemento do medio natural na educación infantil desde un enfoque globalizador. Coñecemento das distintas sección do currículo da educación infantil.
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