Educational guide 2017_18
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Máster Universitario en Lingüística Aplicada

1st Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
V01M126V01101 Models and Methods in Current Linguistics 1st
Mandatory 6
V01M126V01102 Corpus Linguistics 1st
Mandatory 6
V01M126V01103 Applied Linguistics 1st
Mandatory 6
V01M126V01104 Linguistic Technologies 1st
Mandatory 3
V01M126V01105 Bibliographic Resources and Scientific Genres 1st
Mandatory 3
V01M126V01106 Corpus Linguistics and Language Learning 1st
Optional 3
V01M126V01107 Evaluation 1st
Optional 3
V01M126V01108 Grammar and Lexical Rules of Spanish Sign Language 1st
Optional 3
V01M126V01109 Design and Development of Linguistic Technologies 1st
Optional 3
V01M126V01110 Multi-modal Communication 1st
Optional 3
V01M126V01111 Oral Communication 1st
Optional 3
V01M126V01112 Fundamentals of Lexicology and Lexicography 1st
Optional 3
V01M126V01113 Semantic and Syntax Issues 1st
Optional 3
V01M126V01215 Linguistic Mediation 1st
Optional 3
V01M126V01225 Linguistic Variation 1st
Optional 3
V01M126V01201 Linguistic Awareness (Language Awareness) and Learning of Second Languages in Multilingual Contexts 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01202 Applications of Psycholinguistics 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01203 Analysis of Applied Talk 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01204 Creation and Development of Language Learning Materials 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01205 Teaching and Learning Strategies and Methods 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01206 Sociocultural and Linguistic Aspects in Teaching Second Languages 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01207 Professionals Uses of the Spanish Sign Language 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01208 Learning and Development of Language in the Deaf Community 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01209 Teaching Oral Language to the Deaf and Sign Language to People with Hearing 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01210 Processing of Spoken Language 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01211 Digitisation and Edition 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01212 Linguistic Computing and the Internet 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01213 Written Communication 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01214 Specific Languages and Terminology 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01216 Linguistic Policies 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01217 Language Planning 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01218 Multilingualism and the Internet 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01219 Creation of a Dictionary 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01220 Evaluation of Dictionaries 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01221 Terminology and Terminography 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01222 Dimensions of Meaning. Semantics and Pragmatics 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01223 Grammar and Discourse 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01224 Current Grammar Issues 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01226 Issues in Contrastive Linguistics 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01227 Language Contact and its Consequences 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01228 Change of Language 2nd
Optional 3
V01M126V01229 External Apprenticeship 2nd
Mandatory 6
V01M126V01230 The Final Master Degree Work 2nd
Mandatory 6
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000