Guia docente 2017_18
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Degree in Industrial Chemical Engineering
  Design of chemical and processing plants
Subject Guide
Subject Design of chemical and processing plants Code V12G350V01914
Study programme
Degree in Industrial Chemical Engineering
Descriptors Total Cr. Choose Year Quadmester
6 Optional 4th 2nd
Teaching language
Pose Blanco, José
Troncoso Saracho, José Carlos
Pose Blanco, José
Troncoso Saracho, José Carlos
General description The *asignatura of Design of Chemical Plants and of Process has like vision and like mission provide to the future Graduated in Engineering in Industrial Chemistry the knowledges, capacities and skills that allow him design, evaluate and implant plants of processed in the field of the chemical engineering.

It is a *asignatura of nature *interdisciplinar because it requires of previous knowledges on processes and technologies of transformation of products, constructions and industrial installations; as well as on methodologies of preparation, organisation and management of projects, amongst other.

The study of the *asignatura is a fundamental tool to strengthen the knowledges purchased by the *alumnado during the study of the career, from the fundamental appearances of physical chemistry, mathematical, graphic expression, in which they rest the applications of chemical engineering, until the implementation of the same in the preparation of projects of processes and plants of process.

To attain it employs a wide approach of the contents of the *asignatura, looking for the integration of the knowledges purchased along the career, by means of the implementation of methodologies of active learning so that the exposed contents in theoretical classes apply in the development of the practical activities, oriented to the industrial reality of the profession, assimilating the agile and precise employment of the distinct rule of application and of the professional best practices established, supporting in the new technologies to document, elaborate, manage the design of processes and plants of process in the professional field of the chemical engineering.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000