Educational guide 2017_18
E. U. de Estudos Empresariais
University Master?s Degree in International Trade
  Commercial English
Topic Sub-topic
Techniques for searching and acquisition of vocabulary 1.1. Use of dictionaries and other materials of reference: types, information, researches in the web

1.2.Systematic learning of terminology: suffixes and prefixes, lexical families, derivation, frequent combinations, false friends, phrasal verbs, ...
Culture and communication 2.1. Concept of culture and its influence in communication

2.2. Intercultural communication in international trade

2.3.Verbal and non verbal communication
Written communication 3.1. Register
3.2. Typologies of texts and commercial documents
3.3. Correspondence: Emails, faxes and commercial letters.
3.4. Documents of international trade
Telephone conversations 4.1. Pronunciation and fluency. Structure and phrases for telephone conversations

4.2. Preparation and aural understanding

4.3. Contact: messages, prices and discounts, methods of payment
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