Educational guide 2017_18
E. U. de Estudos Empresariais
Grao en Comercio
  IT applied to commercial management
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Practice in computer rooms In this section will assess the attendance to practices in the classroom of computers with a minimum attendance of 80% 10 C26
Jobs and projects In this section described the works of theory realised by the students that will deliver in the terms fixed by means of the platforms that indicate along the course. Said works will be formed by a part in digital support (layout, development, etc) and another part of presentation by means of applications cloud. 30 B1
Short answer tests It will consist in the realisation of a proof of type test at the end of the quarter that will contain questions of the matter of the theoretical part. 10 B1
Troubleshooting and / or exercises They will realise of 2 proofs (one around the middle of quarter and another to finals). Said proofs will contain exercises proposed by the professor that will resolve with the help of the computer and will be delivered in the dates that fix by means of the platform FEAR. 50 B1
Other comments on the Evaluation

Remembers to all the student the prohibition of the use of mobile devices or portable computers in exercises, practical and proofs, in fulfillment of the article 13.2.d) of the Statute of the University Student, relative to the duties of the student university, that establishes the duty of "abstain of the utilisation or cooperation in fraudulent procedures in the proofs of evaluation, in the works that realise or in official documents of the University".


The student will be able to choose the system of evaluation that wishes was him applied in the matter. For this has to to opt by the continuous evaluation (by defect) or a final examn only previous renunciation to the continuous evaluation.

Continuous evaluation

To surpass this evaluation is necessary that the student obtain a minimum punctuation of 50% of the total of the matter and besides that in the sections: "Jobs and projects" and "Resolution of problems and/or exercises" it is necessary to obtain a minimum punctuation of 30% of the maximum punctuation of said proof.

Only final examination

To surpass this evaluation is necessary that the student obtain a minimum punctuation of 50% of the total of the matter. This examination consists of two parts: a proof "Type test (40%)" and a proof in computer of "Resolution of problems and/or exercises (60%)" for which is necessary to obtain a minimum punctuation of 30% of the maximum punctuation of said proof.

Will realise an examination in the date fixed by the centre when finalising the quarter and another in the month of July whose punctuations will be of 100% of the matter, except those students that have opted by the continuous evaluation that only will assist with the part that have not reached the minimum.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000