Educational guide 2017_18
E. U. de Estudos Empresariais
Grao en Comercio
  IT applied to commercial management
   Personalized attention
Methodologies Description
Practice in computer rooms They are varied the estrategies that put to disposal of the student to follow successfully the personalised development of the subject. During the realisation of the exercises, the student will be able to compare if his work is correct through comparative models. In group tutorials the student can go checking the evolution in the learning by means of feedback in the process, participating in the evaluation of the work realised. The student will also have self-assessment tests, in order to systematically reflect on the work done, the advances on the learned and the practical functionality of the contents taught.
Tests Description
Jobs and projects They are varied the estrategies that put to disposal of the student to follow successfully the personalised development of the subject. During the realisation of the exercises, the student will be able to compare if his work is correct through comparative models. In group tutorials the student can go checking the evolution in the learning by means of feedback in the process, participating in the evaluation of the work realised. The student will also have self-assessment tests, in order to systematically reflect on the work done, the advances on the learned and the practical functionality of the contents taught.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000