Educational guide 2017_18
E. U. de Estudos Empresariais
Grao en Comercio
  IT applied to commercial management
Topic Sub-topic
1 The computer 1.1 Hardware
1.2 Software
2 *Manipulacion of data in the computing 2.1 basic Structures of data
2.2 Leaves of calculation
2.3 Databases
3. Electronic trade and electronic documentation 3.1. Basic architecture of internet
3.2. Utilities in the network
3.3. The electronic trade and his types
3.4. Electronic documentation
3.5. Electronic turnover
3.6. Runways of Payment
4. Computer security 4.1. Individual security
4.2. Basic security in the company
4.3. Encryption
4.4. Electronic signature
5. Legislation on applicable information the company 5.1. LOPD
5.2. LSSI
5.3. Another applicable legislation to the company
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