Guia docente 2017_18
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Telecommunication Engineering
  Analog Electronic Circuits Design
Topic Sub-topic
Unit 1: Introduction Analog systems for signal acquisition:
Architectures. Functional block diagrams.

Definition. Topologies. Series-Parallel feedback.

Through this unit the competencies CB4, CB5, CG4, CG8, CE12 and CE14 are developed.

Unit 2: Auxiliary circuits Sensors and signal conditioners:
Sensors: Definition and classification.
Signal conditioners for resistive sensors: The voltage divider. Wheatstone bridge. Other conditioning circuits.
Linearization circuits. Level-shifting circuits: DC level shifter and gain calibration. Precision rectifiers: Half-wave rectifiers and full-wave rectifiers.

Voltage references and current sources:
Voltage references: Introduction. Performance specifications. Basic circuit. Self-regulated circuit. Thermal stabilization.
Voltage-to-current converter circuits: Introduction. Floating-load converters. Grounded-load converters.

Analog Switches and Multiplexers
Switches: Definition. Types. Applications. Commercial devices.
Multiplexers: Definition. Types. Specifications.

Through this unit the competencies CB4, CB5, CG4, CG8, CE12 and CE14 are developed.
Unit 3: Amplification in signal acquisition systems Instrumentation amplifiers:
Introduction. Definition and ideal characteristics. Real model. Basic configurations. Specifications. Functional block diagram. Applications. Commercial amplifiers and their data sheets.

Programmable amplifiers:
Introduction. Types. Pin Programmable Gain Amplifier. PGA: Programmable Gain Amplifier. Commercial amplifiers and their data sheets.

Isolation amplifiers:
Introduction. Classification criteria. Types: capacitive coupled, transformer coupled, and optically coupled. Basic structure. Specifications. Applications and limitations. Examples. Commercial amplifiers and their data sheets.

Through this unit the competencies CB4, CB5, CG4, CG8, CE12 and CE14 are developed.
Unit 4: Active filters Introduction:
Fundamentals. Basic filter types. Real parameters.

Description by transfer function:
Introduction. Transfer function: poles and zeros, stability analysis and frequency response. First order and second order filters.

Approximation of filter transfer function:
Steps in the realization of active filters. Filter specifications. Mathematical approximation of the characteristic function. Transfer function normalization. Transfer function normalization. Transformation from one type of filter into another. Polynomial approximations: Butterworth and Chebyshev.

Introduction. Methods. Direct design. Basic topologies of direct synthesis: voltage control voltage source (KRC or Sallen-Key) and Multiple Feedback (MFB). Cascade design. Comparison of methods. Scaling.

Through this unit the competencies CB4, CB5, CG4, CG8, CE12 and CE14 are developed.
Unit 5. Sample-and-hold circuits. Digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters Sample-and-hold circuits:
Background. Specifications. Architectures. Commercial devices.

Analog-to-digital converters:
Introduction. Fabrication parameters. Errors. Full-flash converters. Semi-flash converters (sub-ranging). Pipeline converters. Integrating converters: single or double analogue slope. Successive approximation converters. Commercial devices.

Digital-to-analog converters:
Introduction. Fabrication parameters. Errors. Linear resistive network. Weighted resistive network. R-2R resistor ladder network.

Through this unit the competencies CB4, CB5, CG4, CG8, CE12 and CE14 are developed.
Practice 1: Auxiliary circuits. Assembly and testing of a voltage reference. Assembly and testing of a current source.

Through this practice the competencies CB4, CB5, CG4, CG8, CE12 and CE14 are developed.
Practice 2: Instrumentation amplifier. Assembly and testing of and three-op-amp based instrumentation amplifier from discreet components. Assembly and testing of an commercial instrumentation amplifier with adjustable gain by potentiometer.

Through this practice the competencies CB4, CB5, CG4, CG8, CE12 and CE14 are developed.
Practice 3: Active filters. Assembly of an active filter. Identification of the topology, the order, and the filter type. Theoretical calculation of its cut-off frequency. Frequency response measurement using the waveform generator and the oscilloscope. Plot the magnitude of the frequency response of the filter (Bode magnitude plot).

Through this practice the competencies CB4, CB5, CG4, CG8, CE12 and CE14 are developed.
Practice 4: Digital-to-analog conversion.
Assembly and testing of a discrete converter of 3 bits based on R-2R resistor ladder network. Calculation of ideal characteristic parameters. Measurement of real parameters. Plot the converter transfer function.

In this practice will work the competitions CB4, CB5, CG4, CG8, CE12 and CE14.
Practice 5: Measurement system of a physical variable using a commercial sensor. Design of the signal conditioning circuit of a measurement system based on a commercial sensor and some circuits used in previous practices.

Through this practice the competencies CB4, CB5, CG4, CG8, CE12 and CE14 are developed.
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