Guia docente 2017_18
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Degree in Telecommunications Technologies Engineering
  Multimedia technology and computer graphics
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Projects Assessment of a collaborative work, developed along the semester, including a written report and oral presentation. 55 B3
Practice in computer rooms Work assessment in the computer room. 20 B3
Autonomous practices through ICT Automatic corrected online test. 5 B3
Short answer tests Written test with short questions and problems to solve. 20 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

* "Students who choose continuous evaluation" conditions:

 A student follows the continuous evaluation system if she/he assigns a document that will be delivered and collected during weeks 1-3, so the collaborative work can begin.

 Some tasks are evaluated:

* Collaborative work in a group C (weight: 55%): during approx. 12 weeks each group develops a project. Some evidences are picked during this period (cross evaluation, written test, etc.) and a final report must be delivered at the end. An oral presentation ends this activity. Individual assessment mark in group work is obtained from cross evaluation by the other members of the group, oral questions during presentations and/or written questions about the content of the work. Group work, role assignments, working in common, planning, technical reports and oral presentation are considered.

* Written exam (weight: 20%): short questions related to computer room and master classes activities, plus additional material. At the end of the semester, the same day when the final exam is planned.

* Automatic corrected online test. ( Weight : 5% ): prior to the sessions.

* Laboratory tests ( Weight: 20%): at the end of the laboratory session.

 If a student has participated in continuous evaluation and does not pass the course he/she will receive a grade of fail, regardless of he/she takes the written exam or not.


In order to ensure that students acquire a balanced minimum on the subject competences, they will pass the course if they meet these two conditions:

1) get a final mark equal to or greater than 5 (on a ten-points scale)

2) and a score equal to or greater than 4 (on the same scale) in each of the partial marks (written exam and collaborative group, respectively).

If some of these conditions are not fulfilled, then the final grade (on a ten-points scale) will be the minimum between the final mark and the value "4".

* "Students who choose for evaluation at the end of the semester" conditions:

 The possibility of a final examination will be provided to students who do not opt for the continuous evaluation.

 In order to ensure that students acquire a balanced minimum on the subject competences, they will pass the course if they meet both these two conditions:

1) get a final mark equal to or greater than 5 (on a ten-points scale)

2) and a score equal to or greater than 4 (on the same scale) in each of the sections of the exam. These sections, respectively, correspond with:

* contents included in all activities

 * project developed in group, including group internals, management, writing of technical reports and oral presentations.

If some of these conditions are not fulfilled, then the final grade (on a ten-points scale) will be the minimum between the final mark and the value "4".


Two different situations:

 => Students that are evaluated using continuous evaluation:

Two options to choose (just before the exam begins):

* repeat the written exam included in the continuous evaluation planning an be evaluated under the "Students who choose continuous evaluation" conditions, described above.

* be evaluated with the same final exam of students who choose for evaluation at the end of the semester, under the "Students who choose for evaluation at the end of the semester" evaluation conditions, described above. No other activities are considered.

=> Students who choose for evaluation at the end of the semester:

A final examination will be provided to students who do not opt for the continuous evaluation, and are evaluated under the "Students who choose for evaluation at the end of the semester" conditions, described above. No other activities are considered.


Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000