Guia docente 2017_18
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Degree in Telecommunications Technologies Engineering
  Digital Communications
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Short answer tests Final exam with short questions on the contents of the subject, that will include also some questions on the projects.

Evaluated competences: CG4, CG9, CG12, CE71, CT2.
20 B4
Reports / memories of practice Deliverables for the lab project.

50% of the final grade corresponds to tasks associated to a lab project. Along the course there will be six milestones, corresponding to each of the stages for the Matlab implementation of a simplified OFDM receiver. The weight given to each of these tasks is the following:

Task 1 (Demodulation to baseband): 5%
Task 2 (Mode detection and temporal allignment): 5%
Task 3 (Frequency error correction): 10%
Task 4 (Frame synchronization): 10%
Task 5 (Channel estimation and equalization - I): 10%
Task 6 (Channel estimation and equalization - II): 10%

Evaluated competences: CG4, CG9, CG12, CE71, CT2, CT4.
50 B4
Jobs and projects Projects on any of the digital communication standards that employ the techniques presented in the classroom.

Possible topics include:

- Digital radio (DAB, DAB+, DRM)
- Digital terrestrial television (DVB-T, DVB-H, DVB-T2)
- LAN and MAN wireless networks.
- Comunicaciones over PLC and multimedia over coax (MoCA)
- LiFi

The project must focus on those aspects of the standards that are related to the subjects covered by the lectures and should consider the following issues:

- Historical aspects: previous standards solving similar problems.
- Technical aspects: details about the employed modulation, bandwidth, channel coding, etc.
- Applications of the standard.
- Deployment degree at national and international levels.

Evaluated competences: CG4, CG9, CE71, CT2.

30 B4
Other comments on the Evaluation

In those cases in where the student decides not to carry out the continuous evaluation tasks, the final score will be solely based on the exam with short questions of the subject. This applies as well to the second call.

In case of collective reports, the respective contribution of each student must be clearly stated, and the final score will be personalized as a function of such contribution. An interview with the lecturer may be required in order to assess the individual contributions.

Once the student turns in any of the deliverables, he/she will be considered to be following the continuous evaluation track. Any student that chooses the continuous evaluation track will get a final score, regardless of he/she takes the final exam.

Continuous evaluation tasks cannot be redone after their corresponding deadlines, and are only valid for the current year.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000