Guia docente 2017_18
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Degree in Telecommunications Technologies Engineering
  Power Electronics
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Laboratory practises The laboratory practices are evaluated in a continuous way (session to session) taking into account his previous preparation and the execution in the laboratory. 10 C43
Autonomous troubleshooting and / or exercises Every week, students are commissioned the execution of tasks and the delivery of a execution report. 10 C43
Troubleshooting and / or exercises Each exam is composed by exercises and problems related to the theoretical concepts and laboratory
practices. The number of exams and examination rules are detailed in "Other comments"
80 C43
Other comments on the Evaluation

For their evaluation, each student should select between continuous evaluation or evaluation by final examination.

1. Continuous evaluation

The continuous evaluation is carried out by means of the execution of several weekly tasks, the preparation and execution of the laboratory practices, and the execution of two tests of partial

1.1 Weekly tasks

Weekly, the professor will commission
to the students to execution of several tasks and the delivery of an execution report. By the realization of the tasks and the delivery of the reports the students will be able to obtain the up to 10% of the
qualification of the subject. The qualifications of the weekly tasks will be valid only for the current academic year.

1.2 Laboratory practices

Students will realize four sessions of laboratory practices in groups of two.  Each group member will obtain an individual mark for each season that will evaluate the previous preparation and the execution of the practice in the laboratory. The sessions without assistance will be marked with a zero. The final mark of the laboratory practices will be the average of the marks of the four sessions. By the correct preparation and execution of all laboratory practices the students will be able to obtain
up to 10% of the
qualification of the subject. The qualifications of the laboratory practices will be valid only for the current academic year and the following one.

1.2 Tests of partial evaluation

Students will realize two written tests of partial evaluation.
The partial test are not recoverable, that is, if a student
can not attend one test, the professors do not have obligation to repeat it. The qualifications of the partial tests will be valid only for the current academic year. It is considered that a student choose the continuous evaluation and renounces to be evaluated by final exam if it attends the first the partial tests.

  1. First partial test:  students will be evaluated of the contents taught to date of the test. The students will be able to obtain in this test up to 40% of the
    final qualification. This test will be held on week 8, approximately.
  2. Second partial test: students will be evaluated of the contents taught to date of the test that were not included in the first partial test. The students will be able to obtain in this test up to 40% of the
    final qualification. This test will be held on a date and place chosen by the Dean of the Faculty for the final examination.

2. Evaluation by final examination

The final examination consists of theoretical questions, problems and exercises that covers the whole contents of the
subject. The students will be able to obtain in this exam up to 100% of the
final qualification. This exam will be held on the date and place chosen by the Dean of the Faculty..

3. Extraordinary examination (June-July)

The extraordinary examination consists of theoretical questions, problems and exercises that
will evaluate the whole contents of the
subject. The students will be able to obtain in this exam up to 100% of the
final qualification. This exam will be held on the date and place chosen by the Dean of the Faculty.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000