Guia docente 2017_18
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Degree in Telecommunications Technologies Engineering
  Computer Networks
Topic Sub-topic
1. Introduction a) Network Infrastructure: Nodes, links and netwoks
b) Circuit and Packet Switching
c) Communications Architecture: Layers, encapsulating, models
2. Packet Networks. Internet a) Performance: Throughput, delays, losses
b) The Internet ecosystem
3. Links and subnetworks a) Concept of link and subnetwork
b) Interconnection of networks at level 2: Bridges
4. Ethernet and WiFi a) Ethernet Switching.
b) VLANs and trunking
c) Spanning Tree
d) WiFi networks
5. Internet and IP a) Interconnection of subnetworks. Routers
b) IP Addressing
c) IP datagram format
d) Fragmentation
e) The ICMP protocol
6. IP Forwarding a) IP Forwarding mechanism
b) Connected and Next-Hop Routes
c) The DHCP protocol
7. Name and address translation a) ARP
b) DNS
c) NAT
8. Routing a) Graph theory. Shortest distance paths
b) Link state: Dijkstra's algorithm
c) Distance vector: Bellman-Ford
d) Broadcast routing
9. Internet routing a) Routing hierarchy
b) Intradomain routing: RIP, OSPF
c) Interdomain routing: BGP
10. Transport protocols a) Service model
b) TCP & UDP
c) Transport connections: establishment, retransmissions, flow control
11. Congestion control a) Network model
b) Dynamics, fairness and stability
c) TCP Reno, Vegas, FAST
12. Network security a) Vulnerabilities. Protection
c) Secure network and transport layers
c) Denial of service. Spoofing
d) Fundamentals of cryptography
e) Digital signatures
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