Guia docente 2017_18
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Degree in Telecommunications Technologies Engineering
  Informatics: Computer Architecture
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Self-assessment tests Exam questions will be available for students, in order to perform autoevaluation. 0 B3
Practical tests, real task execution and / or simulated. They will realise three practical exercises in the laboratory of continuous evaluation, and other three short exercises in each turn of laboratory. 50 B3
Short answer tests They will realise in theory roughly 12 exercises of continuous evaluation, divided in two parts. 50 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation



This subject is
organized in two parts: Theory and Practice.


We consider the
harmonic average of A and B as HA(A,B)=2*A*B/(A+B). If A=B=0 then HA(A,B)=0

And the Arithmetic
Average of A and B as AA(A,B)=(A+B)/2


We use the Mixed Average MA(A,B) in order to obtain scores in two
different assessment parts (A and B):

if A >= 5 and
B >=5 then MA (A,B) =AA(A, B)

      else {

         if HA(A,B) > 3 then MA(A,B) = HA (A,B)

           else MA (A,B) = AA(A,B), max. 3 (i.e. if
AA(A,B)>3 then MA(A,B)=3)



MA(A,B) is the arithmetic average if A and B are
greater or equal to 5. Otherwise, MA(A,B) is the harmonic average. Besides, If
the harmonic average is less than 3 then we apply the arithmetic average with a
maximum possible score of 3.


The final grade for the
course (FG) is as follows, according to theory grade (TG) and Practice Grade
(PG): FG = MA(TG, PG)


To pass the course,
FG must be greater than or equal than 5. 


Both parts can be
evaluated by Continuous Evaluation (CE) or by Final Exam (FE).


The FE will consist
of Theory and Practice, and will take place in date and time officially


CE will consist of
the tasks described in this guide, and are not recoverable, i.e., if a student
cannot follow them during the stipulated period the teacher does not have the
obligation of repeating them.


If one of the subject
parts (Theory or Practice) is passed in the final semester examinations, its
grade will be kept for the remedial exams where the student only must be
evaluated of the other part. If the student has followed CE in part that
remains, he/she will keep the grades.


The CE tasks grades
are only valid for the current academic course, being discarded in case the
student fails the course.







The Theory part is
divided into two subparts: T1 and T2. T1 covers approximately 66% of the
syllabus (up to theme 5 included), while T2 the 100% of the syllabus.


The Theory uses the
Blended Flipped Classroom (BFC) method. In a week, one hour class takes place
outside the classroom watching videos, and the other hour in the classroom
answering questions, solving exercises 
and assessing.




In CE, the student needs to do short exercises
(around 10 or 15 minutes) during the weekly class time. The grade in T1 and T2
is calculated using arithmetic average of the (approximately) 7 and 5 exercises
proposed for each part. All of these exercises will take place in the classroom
and never during the exam period. If a student does not assist to some of these
exercises, this will not be repeated.


The theory CE grade is TG=MA(T1,T2);


If the student does
not pass the CE but pass T1 or T2, he/she can attend to the examination of the
failed part. In this way, The T1 and T2 grades will be kept for remedial




Any student, whether
or not has followed the CE, can take the Final Exam. If the student followed
the CE, he/she may discard the results obtained there, and take the Final Exam
. In this case, the valid grade will be the FE, cancelling the grades that
he/she had been obtained previously in the CE.


If the student does not pass the CE but pass T1 or
T2, he/she can attend to the examination of the failed part. In this way, the
grade obtained in CE is deleted, keeping the grade in the passed CE part. The calculation
grade in theory is similar to the CE: TG=MA(T1,T2);


This Final Exam will
have two exercises (T1 and T2) to be done in 90 minutes and it has a global
subject quiz exam (TEST) to be done in 20 minutes.

final score is:        

TG =0,8*MA(T1, T2) + 0,2*TEST


If CE was not
followed, the student will have to do T1, T2 and TEST exercises.




The Theory Remedial
Exam has the same structure as in the Semester Final Exam.


If CE was not
followed, the student will have to do T1, T2 and TEST exercises, regardless of
the grades in each exercise in Final Semester Exam.


If CE was followed,
the student can do the Semester Final Exam , cancelling the grade that he/she
had previously obtained in CE.


If the student does not pass the CE but pass T1 or
T2, he/she can attend to the examination of the failed part. In this way, the
grade obtained in CE is deleted, keeping the grade in the passed CE part. The
calculation grade in theory is similar to the AC: TG=MA(T1,T2);






The CE of Practice consists of 3 exercises P1, P2
and P3 . P1 will be about Simplez, P2 about Basic Algoritmez (over 60% of the
syllabus) and P3 about Full Algoritmez (100% of the syllabus). The exercises
will be done in the laboratory and will last approximately 1 hour. P1 will be
around the 4th week, P2 around the 8th and P3 at the final exam day (the exam
will be different for those who follow CE than for those who decide to go by
FE). P1 and P2 will be held in afternoon shifts.


During the laboratory days, short exams are
performed (approximately 30 minutes). These exercises will take place in
(approximately) 2 (E1), 6 (E2) and 10 (E3) weeks.


The Practice CE grade is the weighted average of these exercises: PG=0,07*E1+0,15*P1+0,08*E2+0,27*P2+0,09*E3+0,34*P3




Any student, whether
or not has followed the CE, can take the Final Exam. If the student followed
the CE, he/she may discard the results obtained there, and take the Final Exam
. In this case, the valid grade will be the FE, cancelling the grades that had
been obtained previously in the CE.


This Final Exam will
have one exercise about Algoritmez to be done in the laboratory in 1 hour


In this case, the
Practice Grade is the grade of the Final Exam.





The student will have
a Remedial Exam similar to the Semester Final Exam.






All exercises and exams of the subject are scaled
from 0 to 10


ACTS: Students who
have attended any of the CE exercises (both practice and theory) will be
considered as presented and their grade will be obtained by applying the
corresponding formulas.



EXAMS: To perform any
theory exam (CE1, CE2, T1 and T2) or practice (P1, P2, P3 and Final Exam),
including remedial exams, all students must register through the corresponding
software tool, for which it will be notified with a minimum term of 5 calendar


Note: Prior to an
exercise or an exam, the date and procedure for the score review will be
published sufficiently in advance.


COMMUNICATIONS WITH STUDENTS: All communications of the teaching organization will be done through the
informatics tools used in the course (FAITIC, BeA and e-mail). It is understood that all students read their e-mail (e-mail registered
in FAITIC) at least once a day.


ETHICAL CODE: All students are
expected to have an ethical behaviour in all 
exams, ensuring equal opportunities for all students. If an infraction is detected in an exam, the score obtained in that test
will automatically be zero (0) and a report will be issued to the School
Direction to take actions. These are some
examples of unethical behaviour: use of electronic
devices (mobile phones, tablets, computers, etc.), copy from another peer, use
of unauthorized material in an exam, etc.


Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000