Guia docente 2017_18
Facultad de CC. Económicas y Empresariales
Degree in Economics
  Economic History
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Master Session Lectures: Two weekly hours (two days, join hour by session).
By means of this methodology, with the audiovisual support, will present of synthetic way, sequential and motivadora the aspects keys of the contained fundamental of the subject.
The first will be dedicaded to offer a panoramic vision of the subject and basic concepts of economic history; the remaining sessions will be targeted exposure agenda .
Although the method of these sessions is fundamentally exibition, the active participationof students be promoted
Seminars Practical classses: 6 sesions (length by session 2h,30').

It is join instance to socialize, debug and synthesize the knowledges purchased in the preparation of the session.

It conceives how a process of learning centered teaching.
The aim is to prepare the students for understanding the texts proposed as readings.

It will require a previous work session , which will consist of reading a designated topic and writing a small document with the most relevant ideas and arguments of reading.
The meeting itself , are presented and debated the readings.
Group tutoring Tutorials: 2 session (2h 30' each).
Previously, the teacher will select key issues of the contents of the subject , to treat their importance or difficulty.

Students must prepared for these sessions an outline of doubts and questions on these key issues.
These sessions also serve for general inquiries about the content or practices of matter.
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000