Guia docente 2017_18
Facultad de CC. Sociales y de la Comunicación
Grao en Dirección e Xestión Pública
  Marketing in the public and non-profit sector
Topic Sub-topic
Subject 1.- INTRODUCCI*ÓN, CONCEPTS And BASIC CONTENTS OF The MARKETING PUBLISH 1.1. The concept of *marketing, his evolution and content.
1.2. The *marketing and the public management
1.3. Different Orientations in the Direction of Organisations. Characteristics of the Orientation to the Bought
1.4. The value and the satisfaction of the consumer.
1.5. The *marketing of *Relacions ¿A new Paradigm?.
1.6. The System of Information of *Marketing
1.7. The process of investigation of the bought public
Subject 2.- The STRATEGIC PLANNING OF The MARKEPUBLIC TING 2.1. The Strategic Planning in the public Organisations and *sin encourage of lucre
2.2. The Strategic Plan.
2.4. The *Marketing and the public Strategic Planning
2.5. The Plan of *Marketing public
Subject 3.- The ENTORIN The And The PUBLIC MARKET. 3.1. The concept of market.
3.2. Typology of the bought public
3.3. The delimitation of the bought of the public organisations and without spirit of lucre.
3.4. The *microentorno and the *macroentorno of the *marketing public.
Subject 4.- The BEHAVIOUR OF The PUBLIC CONSUMER 4.1. The behaviour of the consumer: his importance for it *marketing.
4.2. The process of decision of purchase and his typology.
4.3. Determinant @interno and behavioural @externo of purchase.
4.4. Models that explain the *conducta of the consumer.
Subject 6.- The MARKETING MIX OF The SECTOR PUBLISH And OF The COMPANIES WITHOUT ENCOURAGE OF LUCRE 6.1 The *producto in the public sector
6.2 The price in the *sectotor public
6.3 The *acercamento *psicológico
6.4 The distribution in the public sector
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