Guia docente 2017_18
Facultade de CC. Sociais e da Comunicación
Grao en Dirección e Xestión Pública
  The public sector
Topic Sub-topic
Institutions, markets and State. The paper of the public intervention. a) Introduction to the Public Economy
b) Problems of efficiency and equity in the operation of the bought
c) The *porqué of the public intervention: "failures of market" and "failures of the Been".
Organisation and dimension of the Public Sector in Spain. It) Introduction to the public sector Spaniard
*b) Delimitation of the public sector, and juridical frame
*c) The weight of the public sector in the economy
The analysis of the public spending
It) Evolution of the public spending and explanatory theories
*b) Effects of the public spending envelope to efficiency and the distribution
*c) Main spending programs
The analysis of the public income. It) international Trends
*b) The income of the public sector Spaniard
*c) Main figures tributaries and *impositivas
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