Guia docente 2017_18
Facultade de Ciencias Empresariais e Turismo
Grao en Turismo
  Company: Direction and management of tourism entities 1
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Jobs and projects Realisation of an autonomous work in group. It will elaborate along all the *cuatrimestre and will present at the end of the same.

25 A1
Short answer tests Evaluation of the assimilation of knowledges
70 A1
Case studies / analysis of situations Realisation of two practical cases or analysis of situations.

5 A2
Other comments on the Evaluation
- No face-to-face, with a final examination that will be able to include theoretical contents and/or practical by means of questions that will be able to be type test, short, of development, or practical cases. This proof is headed to to value the understanding of the concepts purchased in the *asignatura, supposing 100% of the note, and will evaluate in addition to the concepts of the matter, the clarity in the exhibition and the grammatical and orthographical utilisation correct in those parts that require it.

- Face-to-face, the concretion of the activities will depend to a large extent of the number of students, means to work in group, etc. These proofs of continuous evaluation will be headed to to value the activities realised by the student along the development of the classes, in which it will value the correct realisation of the tasks entrusted, that will be able to consist in the resolution of questionnaires, practical cases, works *individualizados or in group, and the realisation and oral exhibition of works of some agreed subjects with the professor. In this block of face-to-face qualification will be able to value the participation of the student.

- The concrete characteristics of the final examination, so much in the face-to-face evaluation (announcement Julio) as in the no face-to-face, will be detailed by part of the professors of the *asignatura (in class and through the platform Fear) with anticipation to the same and in the frame of the legal terms established by the University of Vigo.

- The students to approve the *asignatura have to obtain by one or another system of evaluation an equal or upper qualification to 5 points, being compulsory in all the cases surpass the final examination (or the partial in case to be offered).

- In all the examinations will be compulsory to identify of official way (*DNI, Passport or official substitutive document) and is forbidden the possession of mobiles, *smartphones, or any another electronic device, even being these turned off or in rest. Break these two conditions will invalidate the announcement to which was *concurriendo.

- The dates and schedules of the proofs of evaluation of the different announcements are the specified in the calendar of proofs of evaluation approved by the *Xunta of Centre for the course 2017-2018. In the case of conflict or disparity between the dates of the examinations will prevail the distinguished in the page web of the *FCETOU.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000