Guia docente 2017_18
Facultad de Historia
Degree in Geography and History
  Applied archaeology
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Outdoor study / field practices The trip of studios will be evaluated, *amáis of by the assistance, by means of it delivers of a brief memory of practices.
The results of the learning evaluated are:
"Analysis and assessment of the concepts learnt from the use of sources and of the historical interpretations" and "critical Analysis of the traditions *historiográficas on controversial subjects or of general interest"
10 A3
Presentations / exhibitions The contents treated in the seminars will be evaluated by means of the presentation/exhibition by part of the students, to way of kind *maxistral, of the *subtema specify chosen.
*Valoraránse The contents and methodology of the @propio exhibition, as well as the delivery of a script by writing.
The results of the learning evaluated are:
"Manufacture and presentation, oral and writing, of works *monográficos, individual or collective, based in sources and specific bibliography"
15 A4
Seminars The contents treated in the seminars will be evaluated by means of the presentation/exhibition by part of the students, to way of kind *maxistral, of the *subtema specify chosen.
*Valoraránse The contents and methodology of the @propio exhibition, as well as the delivery of a script by writing.
The results of the learning evaluated are:
"Manufacture and presentation, oral and writing, of works *monográficos, individual or collective, based in sources and specific bibliography"
25 A4
Master Session The contents presented in the sessions *maxistrais will be evaluated by means of a proof of short answer (examination type test).
The results of the learning evaluated are:
"Analysis and assessment of the concepts learnt from the use of sources and of the historical interpretations" and "critical Analysis of the traditions *historiográficas on controversial subjects or of general interest"
40 A1
Other Active participation in the theoretical and practical kinds, so much was in the modality *presencial how in the *semipresencial (tracking of the subject to naughty of the Virtual Course in the platform of *teledocencia *Moodle).
The results of the learning evaluated are: "Analysis and assessment of the concepts learnt from the use of sources and of the historical interpretations" and "critical Analysis of the traditions *historiográficas on controversial subjects or of general interest"
10 C23
Other comments on the Evaluation

The students that receive to the modality *semipresencial will be able to follow the subject to naughty of the Virtual Course in the platform of *teledocencia *Moodle, of the University of Vigo, that will allow the access to the material accurate stop the acquisition of the competitions and achievement of the resulted of the learning, so much us his theoretical contents how practical. They Will specify the teaching methodologies, the activities of evaluation, together with the calendar of delivery (*presencial or remote) that will remain clearly established. The activities that require *presencialidade will be substituted by other enabling access to the same percentage of the note. The tracking *individualizado of the participation of the student to naughty of the TIC will do from the own tools of the platform (participation, statistics of access, realization of proofs or exercises online, etc.).

The student will owe to fulfil the minimum requirements of *presencialidade necessary stop the continuous evaluation. *Asimesmo It will owe *acudir to the proofs that the @docente have how indispensable.

To approve the subject (and do average pondered with the evaluation of the practical) is accurate to obtain in the examination an equal or upper note to the 4 points.  Also it will be accurate to had presented *alomenos a *tercio of the practical activities.

All the students has right to be evaluated by means of a proof of final evaluation. Stop those students that can not received to the modality *presencial,  will consist in an examination of the contained of the session *maxistral (50%) and in the delivery of *sendos works writings, *ún of them bibliographic envelope any *subtema specific of the *temario (40%) and the another consistent in a brief report envelope any archaeologic deposit that visit by the his account (10%). The size, content and other conditions gave works will be agreed previously with the professor of the subject. Identical conditions govern for it second announcement.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000