Guia docente 2017_18
Facultad de Historia
Degree in Geography and History
  Archaeology theory and method
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Multiple choice tests The contents exposed in the master sessions will be evaluated by means of a proof written of short answer (examination type test).
There Will be two partial examinations plus of the final examination of each announcement.
Evaluation of the resulted of the learning Training to interpret properly the societies of the spent" and "correct Employment of the concepts, terminology and methods of analysis and interpretation of the ancient societies and of the historical change"
50 A3
Other Active participation in the theoretical and practical kinds, so much was in the modality *presencial how in the *semipresencial (tracking of the subject to naughty of the Virtual Course in the platform of *teledocencia *Moodle).
Evaluation of the resulted of the learning "Training to interpret properly the societies of the spent" and "correct Employment of the concepts, terminology and methods of analysis and interpretation of the societies *preestatais and of the historical change"
10 C12
Reports / memories of practice The practices of laboratory will be evaluated by means of it delivers of a report or memory of practices. The students owe to describe the tasks and procedures developed, including especially the results of the practical exercises realized.
Evaluation of the resulted of the learning "Training to interpret properly the societies of the spent" and "correct Employment of the concepts, terminology and methods of analysis and interpretation of the societies *preestatais and of the historical change"
30 A2
Case studies / analysis of situations Activities in group reduced on specific and concrete subjects will be evaluated by means of it delivers of exercises (comments of text, analysis *estratigráficas, etc).
Evaluation of the resulted of the learning "Training to interpret properly the societies of the spent" and "correct Employment of the concepts, terminology and methods of analysis and interpretation of the societies *preestatais and of the historical change"
10 A2
Other comments on the Evaluation
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000