Guia docente 2016_17
E. U. de Enfermaría (Povisa)
Grao en Enfermaría
  Maternal and infant nursing
Topic Sub-topic
1.-I remember *anátomico of the feminine genital device 1.1- Characteristic anatomical
1.2- Half of *sujección, *vascularización and *inervación.
2.- Feminine genital cycle. 2.1- Ovulation
2.2- Menstruation
3.- Puberty and climacteric 3.1- Definition
3.2- Diagnostic
3.3- Treatment
4.- I diagnose of the pregnancy. 4.1- physiological and psychological Modifications of the pregnant woman
5.- Prenatal controls 5.1- Perinatal infection
6.- Taken care *higienico-dietary of the pregnant woman. 6.1- maternal Education
7.-Main medical problems that they can arise in the pregnant woman. 7.1- Pathology *medico-surgical of the *gestante
8.- Main problems that affect to the fetal development 8.1- premature Childbirth
8.2- *Desprendimiento premature of placenta *normoinserta
8.3- previous Placenta
8.4- *CIR
8.5- prolonged Pregnancy
9.- Childbirth 9.1- Start
9.2- Definition
9.3- Causes
9.4- Periods
10.- Follow-up of the labouring woman during the phases of childbirth. 10.1- Obstetric Interventions. Cares of infirmary
11.- Workshop: Taking of vaginal samples 11.1- Characteristic of the *cervix
11.2- Requirements for the taking
11.3- Technical of the taking
11.4- *Colposcopia
12.- Breastfeeding 12.1- Physiology
12.2- Problems but frequent.
13.- Taken care of infirmary in the puerperium. 13.1- Puerperal Infection
14.- Abortion. 14.1- Ectopic Pregnancy
14.2- *Mola
15.- Family Planning 15.1- History
15.2- Advice
15.3- Methods
16.- Menstruals Disorders 16.1- Amenorrhoea/*oligomenorrea
16.2- abnormal uterine Bleedings
16.3- Dysmenorrhea
17.- Gynocologycal infections 17.1- I Diagnose and treatment
18.- Gynecologycal tumors 18.1- Definition
18.2- Diagnostic
18.3- Staging
18.4- Treatment
19.- The child. Pediatrics and childcare 19.1- Concepts and evolution
19.2- social Appearances
19.3- childish Health in Spain
20.- The recently born 20.1- Characteristic
20.2- Assessment and attentions
20.3- preventive Measures
20.4- neonatal Problems
21.- Infant feeding 21.1- Breastfeeding, artificial feeding and mixed
21.2- complementary Feeding
21.3: Feeding after one year old
22.-High-risk neonate 22.1- pretermino
22.2- low weight for his G.A.
22.3- immature
22.4- postage newborn
23.-Psychosocial appearances: childish Education. 23.1- Education techniques and educational errors
23.2- The familiar environment
23.3 The game and the TV
24.-Services of childish health. 24.1- childish Maltreatment
25.- Childish hospitalisation 25.1- Preparation for the hospitalisation
25.2- Reaction of the boy and his parents in front of the illness and hospitalisation.
25.3- Assistance to the ill boy
25.4- Particularities of the childish hospitalisation
26.- Principles of surgical infirmary 26.1.- Cares preoperatives and postoperatives
26.2.- Accidents in the infancy
27.-Nutrition and nutrients. 27.1- nervous Anorexia and false anorexia
27.2- Obesity and his factors
27.3- special Diets
28.- Metabolism of the water. Water-electrolyte equilibrium. 28.1- Dehydration: Types and treatment
28.2- Acido-basic balance.
28.3- Acidosis and alkalosis and, his mechanisms of compensation
30.-Genetic medical. 30.1- congenital and hereditary Illnesses
30.2- congenital Errors of the metabolism
31.- Illnesses but frequent in the boy by devices and systems 31.1- endocrine System
31.2- Nervous system
31.3- *Psicopatologia. Mental retardation. Test of sicomotor development
31.4- Sense organs: vision and audition
31.5- digestive Device
31.6- Cardio-vascular diseases
31.7- Hematology
31.8- Injuries of the skin: Illnesses *exantemáticas. Burns in the boy.
31.9- Genitourinary system
31.10- Osteo-articulate system
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