Guia docente 2016_17
E. U. de Enfermaría (Povisa)
Grao en Enfermaría
  Clinical Nursing II
Topic Sub-topic
1.- PATIENT WITH PATHOLOGY OF THE FABRIC *CONECTIVO. 1.1. Disorders *conectivos *Autoinmunes: THEM, *Espondilitis, Syndrome of *Sjögren, Arthritis *reumatoide, etc.
1.2. *Artrosis Primary and secondary.
1.3. Metabolic endocrine illnesses associated to pathologies *reumáticas: drop, *amiloidosis, hemophilia, etc.
1.4. Osseous alterations: *Osteoporosis, *osteomalacias, illness of *Paget
1.5. Other pathologies *reumáticas: extra Disorders - articular, *lumbalgias, *fibromialgias.
1.6. Cares of infirmary.

2.2 *Artroplastias: Hip, knee
2.3 *Artrodesis
2.4 Pathology of the shoulder
2.5 Pathology of the hand
2.6. Cares of infirmary in the different surgical processes applied in traumatology:
*artroplastias, *osteosíntesis, *artrodesis, etc.
3.-PATIENT WITH DYSFUNCTION *NEUROLÓGICA. 3.1 basic Concepts and methods diagnostics: basic Concepts and *Neuroimagen.

3.2 Main syndromes *neurológicos: Syndrome *Miopático, Syndrome *Hipertensión *Intracraneal, Painful Syndrome, Syndrome *Meníngeo, Pyramidal Syndrome and *Extrapiramidal.

3.3 Migraines and *Cefaleas primary

3.4 Accidents *cerebrovasculares: *Ictus *Isquémico and *Ictus *Hemorrágico. Cares of Infirmary.

3.5 Epilepsy. Cares of Infirmary.

3.6 *Infeccións of the *SNC: Meningitis and *Encefalitis.

3.7 *Enfermidades *desmielinizantes: Multiple Sclerosis. Cares of Infirmary.

3.8 Illnesses *degenerativas of the *SNC; Illness of *Parkinson, Lateral Sclerosis *Amiotrófica(*ELA), Koreas (Illness of *Huntington). Cares of Infirmary.

3.9 Illnesses of the *Médula Spine: *Mielopatía *transversa.

3.10 *Neuropatias peripheral: Syndrome of *Guillen *Barré.

SEMINAR; Illness of Alzheimer and cares of infirmary
4.- PATIENT WITH ALTERATIONS OF THE VISION. 4.1.- Visual affectation and blindness: Blindness and Low vision. Visual habilitation. Rehabilitation.

4.2.-Disorders of the Refraction; Ametropias. Amblyopia.

4.3.-Illnesses *Inflamatorias: *Conjuntivitis. *Uveítis.

4.4.-Cataracts. The Glaucoma. Ocular traumatism of open and enclosed eye. Odd bodies. Cares of Infirmary.
5.1.-*Introduccion, definitions and auditory exploration: physics and functional.


5.3.-Alterations of the External Hearing: Pathology of the Auricular pavilion. *Otitis External. Cap of *Cerumen. Odd bodies. Administration of drops *óticas.

5.4.-Alterations of the Half Hearing: *Otosclerosis. *Otitis Half Acute and Chronic.

5.5.-Alterations of the Internal hearing: *Presbiacusia. Illness of *Menière. Trauma
6.- PATIENT WITH DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS. 6.1 Assessment of the patient with Illnesses of the Digestive Device.
6.1.1 *Anamnesis. Physical exploration and Inspection
6.1.2 Auscultation, Palpation, Percussion.
6.1.3 Proofs *Diagnósticas Complementary: Laboratory, Radiology, Endoscopies, Echographies, *TAC, *RMN, etc.
6.2 Pathology of the Oesophagus.
6.2.1 Proofs *diagnósticas.
6.2.2 Backflow *Gastroesofágico, Hernia of Hiatus and *Paraesofágicas, *Achalasia.
6.2.3 Tumors of the Oesophagus.
6.2.4 Diagnostic of Infirmary. Aims.
6.3 Pathology of the Stomach and Duodenum.
6.3.1 *Ulcus *Gastroduodenal.
6.3.2 Tumors of the Stomach
6.3.3 Cares of Infirmary in Patients *Gastrectomizados.
6.4 Pathology of the Small intestine
6.4.1 Illness of *Crohn.
6.4.2 Tumors of the Small intestine
6.5 Pathology of the Large intestine.
6.5.1 Cancer of Colon and Straight
6.5.2 Benign Pathology of the Rectum and the anus: Hemorrhoids, *Fistulas and Fissures
6.5.3 Faecal Incontinence
6.5.4 Constipation
6.5.5 *Colitis *Ulcerosa
6.5.6 I Diagnose of *Enfermaría and Cares in patients with Pathology *Colorrectal
6.6 *Ostomías: *Gastrostomías, *Ileostomías, *Colostomías
6.7 Pathology of the Liver and Roads *Biliares
6.7.1 Hepatic Tumors Primary and Secondary.
6.7.2 Illnesses *Infecciosas of the Liver: Hepatitis
6.7.3 *Hepatopatías and *Cirrosis Hepatic
6.7.4 Illnesses *Infiltrativas, Metabolic and Hereditary of the Liver
6.7.5 Benign Pathology of the Roads *Biliares: *Colelitiasis, *Colecistitis Acute and *Coledocolitiasis
6.7.6 Neoplasias of the Roads *Biliares
6.8 Pathology of the Pancreas
6.8.1 *Pancreatitis Acute
6.8.2 *Pancreatitis Chronic
6.83 Pancreatic Tumors
7.- Pathology Abdominal Wall
7.1 Remember *AnatomoFisiologico
7.2 Hernias *InguinoCrurales
7.3 Hernias Line Alba
7.4 Little Frequent Hernias
7.5 *Eventración *Postoperatoria and Difficult Closings
7.- PATIENT WITH PERIPHERAL ARTERIAL PATHOLOGY 7.1 Cares of infirmary in the peripheral arterial pathology chronic.
7.2 Cares of infirmary in the *isquemia acute peripheral: *embolismos, thrombosis..
7.3 Cares of infirmary in peripheral vascular surgery: aneurisms, *by *pass, ...
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