Guia docente 2016_17
E. U. de Enfermaría (Povisa)
Grao en Enfermaría
  Pharmacology and dietetics
Topic Sub-topic
1.- Concepts of pharmacology and drugs,
principles and general mechanisms of action
of the drugs
Pharmacology: concept and aims.
Division of the Pharmacology.
Concept,medicine and drug.
Nomenclature and category of the medicines.
2. Forms of dosage. Stability of the
*Posología, dosage,caducity and conservation of the medicines.
3. *Farmacocinética Of the medicines:
Absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination,
clinical implications.
Absorption,distribution, metabolism and elimination.
4. *Farmacodinamia Of the medicines. General concept of action and farmacological effect.
The farmacological receptor.Affinity and intrinsic activity. Drugs *agonistas and antagonistic.
Power and efficiency of the drugs.
5. Foundation of the *posología and of the diet
Roads of administration of the medicines.
Study of his characteristics.
6. *Farmacoterapia In function of the most frequent
Pharmacology of the illnesses *infecciosas:
general principles, selection and associations of antibiotics.
Antibiotics *betalactamicos.
Antibiotics *aminoglucósidos. *Glucopéptidos. *Oxazolidinonas.
*Macrólidos And *lincosamidas.
*Tetraciclinas. *Cloranfenicol. Other antibiotics.
*Quinolonas. *Sulfamidas. *Trimetoprima. *Cotrimoxazol. *Nitrofurantoina.
Pharmacology of the infections by *micobacterias.
Drugs *antifúngicos.
Drugs *antivíricos.
Drugs *antisépticos.
Drugs *antiparasitarios: Protozoons, Helminths and Arthropods.
Chemotherapy *antineoplásica.
Pharmacology of the immunity. Vaccines and serums. *Inmunosupresores.
*Inmunomoduladores And *inmunoestimulantes.
General anaesthetic drugs.
Local anaesthetics.
Drugs *antipsicóticos *neurolépticos. Antidepressant drugs and
*Ansiolíticos. Sedatives. Hypnotic drugs.
Drugs *antiepilépticos and *antiparkinsonianos.
Analgesic drugs *opiáceos.
*Psicoestimulantes. *Psicomiméticos. Addiction to drugs and other substances.
Analgesic drugs *antipiréticos anti-inflammatories no *esteroideos
(*AINEs). *Antiartríticos.
Medicines of the Autonomous Nervous system. *Simpaticomiméticos And
*Parasimpaticomiméticos And *parasimpaticolíticos. *Bloqueantes
*Autacoides And his antagonists.
*Glucósidos Cardiac. *Antiarrítmicos.
*Antianginosos And *antihipertensivos.
*Broncodilatadores, *antitusígenos *mucolíticos and *expectorantes. Other
drugs used in respiratory illnesses.
*Antiácidos, *antieméticos and *eméticos.
*Laxantes And *antidiarreicos.
Pharmacology of the blood coagulation.
Drugs *antianémicos.
Pharmacology of the thyroid.
Pharmacology of the endocrine pancreas.
Oestrogens and *progestágenos. Contraceptives *hormonales.
Drugs *hipolipemiantes.
Drugs *uricosúricos and *antigotosos.
Vitamins. Physiological paper and therapeutic utilisation. *Coenzimas.
7. Adverse effects of the medicines. Farmacological interactions.
8. Nutrition and dietary: historical Development of
the nutrition and the dietary, the concept of nutrients
and energy.
Introduction to the history of the nutrition.
Evolution of the nutrition.
Description of the *funadamentos nutritional.
9. Factors that determine the energetic
needs, needs and nutritional recommendations.
*Determinantes Of the energetic requests.
Predictive equations of the energetic expense.
10.Study of the foods like source
of energy and nutrients.
Energetic requests in situation of fast.
Energetic requests in situation of acute aggression.
11.Modifications that suffer the foods with
the processed.
Metabolism of the *macronutrientes.
12.Study of the feeding of the healthy
people and in the distinct moments of the vital cycle.
Nutrition in the infancy, adolescence and *senectud.
13.Study of the assessment of the nutritional state
of the individuals.
Nutritional assessment.
Regulation of the energetic balance and of the corporal composition.
14. *Dietoterapia In function of the most frequent pathologies
*Dietoterapia Of the renal illnesses.
Nutrition and immunity.
Nutritional cares in the alterations *metabolicas.
Nutritional cares in the alimentary intolerances.
Nutrition and alcohol
hospitable Entry and dietary
Nutrition artificial
Requests in pathological situations.
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