Educational guide 2016_17
E. U. de Enfermaría (Povisa)
Grao en Enfermaría
  Basics of nursing
Topic Sub-topic
Module I :The cares from a historical perspective. Subject 1.- The evolution of the species
- Anthropology: definition and different branches.
- Concept of culture and civilisation.
- The first men: hunters and *recolectores.
- Beliefs and care.
Subject 2.- The cares in the antiquity, he classical world and the Age Average:
- *Mesopotamia, Egypt and oriental villages
- Greece and Rome.
- *Hipócrates And *Galeno.
- Influence of the Christianity.
- Sanitary institutions in the And.M.
- Infirmary in the And.M. Important figures.

Subject 3.- The modernity. Social development and relation with the cares.
- Problems of health in this period, fight against the illness, technical medicine.
- Institutions *asistenciales. *Tecnificación Of the hospital.
- Of the personal hygiene to the public health.
- The infirmary in the And.M., the Daughters of the charity.
- He contemporary hospital.
- The infirmary of the period.

Subject 4.- The origins of the *profesionalización: Florence *Nightingale,his life and his work
- The period in which it lived: the Victorian era.
- Reform of the infirmary. Start of the *profesionalización.
- Foundation of the school *Nightingale.

Subject 5.- Infirmary in Spain.
-Classical period
-The influence of the Church
-*Juán of God, engine of the change
-He 19th century
-educational Legislation

Subject 6.- Organisms related with the infirmary:
- The International Red Cross
- international Council of Nurses (C.I.And)
- national Organisms: General Council and Provincial*Schools.
- Other professional associations.

Subject 7.- Current concept of infirmary and professional performance.
- Concept of the profession: Characteristics. Levels of performance.
- Current concept of Infirmary.
- Supposed basic of infirmary like profession.
- Functions differentiated and field of performance.
Module II: Concepts that configure disciplines it nurse. Subject 1.- Health and applicable laws
-Patient and user
-sanitary Model *CCAA: he case of Galicia.
-Skilled infirmary and of primary attention.

Subject 2.- Institutional structure of infirmary.
-Department of Infirmary
-Commissions of Infirmary.

Subject 3.- Organisation of a unit service.
-Entry of the patient.
-Clinical history: inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation.
-Proofs *diagnósticas.
-Admission of the patient in the unit.
-Registers of infirmary
-Transfer of unit of the patient.
-High medical.
-High of infirmary.
Module III: Theories and models of infirmary SUBJECT 1.- Concept of science. Instruments of wool science and scientific method
- common Knowledge and scientific knowledge: historical Development of the scientific knowledge
- Classification of the science.
- The infirmary and the science: Evolution.
- Laws, theories and models.
- Phases of approach of a theory.
- General theories and his application in the infirmary.
- Tendencies and models in infirmary.

SUBJECT 2.- Theory of the systems.
- Concept, classification, structure and operation.
- Application of this theory in infirmary.

SUBJECT 3.- Theory of the human needs.
- Concept of need.
- Review of the concept according to diverse authors.
- Application of this theory in infirmary.

SUBJECT 4.- Theory of the adaptation.
- Concept.
- Mechanisms of adaptation in him man.
- Organic defences in front of the aggressions and answers of the organism.

SUBJECT 5.- Models of cares of infirmary.
- Concept of model.
- Classification and differences.
- Model *Nightingale.
- Meant of this model for infirmary.
- Difference between infirmary and medicine (according to the author).
- Types of infirmary that establishes he model.
- Function of the nurse in him model.
- Models of interrelationship.
- Model of *Hildegarde *Peplau.
- Model of *Callista Roy.
- Model of Martha *Rogers.
- Model of *suplencia and help of Virginia *Henderson.
- Basic cares, integral elements and function of the nurse.
- Fundamental basic needs and his relation with the infirmary.

- Model of *autocuidado of *Dorothea *Orem.
- Introduction to the model: Elements, concept of infirmary.
- Concepción of the man.
- Fundamental needs.
- Satisfaction of the needs.
- Model of cares *transculturales: M. *Leininger
- Concept of cares *transculturales and practical application of him model.

Module IV: Application of the scientific methodology in him process to take care.Development of the plans of corresponding cares.
SUBJECT 1 .- He process of infirmary.
- He process of attention of infirmary: Origin and history.
- He process like method of solution of problems.
- Stages of the process of infirmary.

*NANDA, **NOC *And **NIC

SUBJECT 2.- Theory of wool human communication.
- Process of wool communication.
- Types of communication.
- Basic elements.
- Factors that influence in the communication.
- Importance of wool communication in him professional exercise.
- Interpersonal relations in the cares of infirmary.
- The nurse and he ill man.
- Excellent employment of the communication with him patient.
- What he patient wait of the personnel of infirmary.
- What he personal of infirmary has to expect of him patient.
Module V: He process nurse to provide welfare, *confort and security of the people attended. SUBJECT 1.- The communication in him process of attention of infirmary.
- Importance of the communication in the collected of data.
- The interview like form of communication.
- The interview how research of data.
- Data that can obtain through this method.
- The observation in the collected of data.
- The observation like research of data: types and methods of observation.
- Data that can collect through the observation: symptoms, signs and syndromes.
- Other sources that contribute data.
- Medical and social file of the patient .
- Books, magazines, etc... Like source of information.

SUBJECT 2.- Assessment and Diagnostic of Infirmary
- Analysis and register of the data collected.
- Diagnostic- problem of infirmary: components of the same.
- Taxonomy of NANDA
- Classification of the problems.

SUBJECT 3.- The stage of planning.
- Definition and purpose of this stage. *NOC And *NIC
- Contained of a plan of cares.
- Types of plans of cares.
- He paper of the patient and the family in the planning of cares.

SUBJECT 4.- The stage of execution.
- Concepts and phases of the stage of execution of the scheduled.
- Those who take part in the execution.
- Forms of intervention of the nurse in wool execution of him plan.
- Characteristic of the nurse in the execution of the plan: social, interpersonal and technological. Legal appearances of the execution.
- Method, technical and procedure: differences. *Tecnificación And his danger in infirmary.

SUBJECT 5.- The stage of evaluation.
- Concept of evaluation in him process of infirmary.
- Elements and appearances of the evaluation.
- Instruments and forms to evaluate.
Module SAW: Principles that *sustentan the basic cares. SUBJECT 1.- Preventive measures of wool infection in wool attention of infirmary.
- Asepsis,*antisepsia and sterilisation.
- Technical of preparation of him material.
- I handle and use of him material common.
- Problems of the bad use of aseptic technical wools: hospitable infection.
- Principles of wool prevention and control of wool infection.

SUBJECT 2.- Basic cares in the alteration of the need of breath.
- Assessment of him state of him patient. Identification of problems.
- Factors that influence in wool respiratory function.
- Diagnostics of infirmary, performance : Measures of physical type, psychological,environmental and *posturales.
- *Oxigenoterapia.
- Evaluation

SUBJECT 3.- Cares related with the consumption.
- Assessment of the nutritional state and of hydratation.
- Common problems related with wool consumption of liquids and solids.
- Diagnostics of infirmary and performances directed the patients with problems of feeding.
- Maintenance of him balance of liquids:
Distribution of him corporal liquid.
Regulation of volume of liquids and *electrolitos.
Measurement of the consumption.
- Feeding of him total patient the partially incapacitated.
- Artificial feeding.
- Evaluation.

SUBJECT 4.- Cares related with the elimination.
- Assessment of him patient and identification of problems in relation with wool urinary and intestinal elimination.
- Diagnostics of infirmary related with the alterations.
- Evaluation.

SUBJECT 5.- Basic cares in the alteration of the need of *termoregulación.
- Assessment of the state of the patient and identification of problems derived of the alteration of this need.
- Diagnostics of infirmary and performances to regulate the corporal temperature.
- Applications of cold and heat: principles and contradictions.
- Evaluation.

SUBJECT 6.- Collected of diverse samples for his analysis.
- Preparation of the patient and necessary material.
- Technical of *recolección.
- General norms.

SUBJECT 7.- The infirmary in front of him pain.
- Approaches of him pain.
- Activities of infirmary related with him pain.
- Factors that *inciden in wool perception of him pain.
- Basic data of wool glimpsed of infirmary related with him pain.
- Objective of infirmary related with wool painful feeling.
- Technical to delete and/or diminish he pain.
Module VII: Technicians and procedures that configure the basic cares. Subject 1.- Taken care of infirmary in relation with the hygiene. (Seminar/Workshop):
- Assessment of him hygienic state of the patient.
- Hygiene of the skin and *anejos. Common problems.
- Technical of the bathroom in bed. Cares of the hair and nails. Cleaning of natural cavities.
- Problems related with him care of the skin: *Ulceras by pressure.
- Prevention. Hygienic education-sanitary.

SUBJECT 2.- Taken care of infirmary to provide comfort. (Seminar /Workshop)
- Factors that affect the comfort and his assessment.
- Rest and dream.
- Performances of infirmary to provide comfort and rest. Suitable positions.
- The bed of the patient: conditions that has to gather. Technicians and procedures to do the bed.
- Evaluation of all these measures.

SUBJECT 3.- Basic cares related with the activity. (Seminar/Workshop)
- Assessment of the state of the patient and identification of problems derived
of the alteration of the need.
- Diagnostics of infirmary and performances in partial patients *yl totally incapacitated.- Evaluation.

SUBJECT 4.- The security of the patient. (Seminar/Workshop)
- Assessment of the capacities of the patient for *autoprotegerse. Study of the individual and of the half.
- Factors that affect the capacity of *autoprotección and common problems related with the security.
- Diagnostics of infirmary and performances for the protection of the patient.
- Evaluation.
Module VIII: functional Patterns of health. D. Of And. Associated to the cares and organised by Functional Patterns:
1.- Preventive measures of the infection in the attention of infirmary.

2.- Basic cares in wool alteration of the need of breath.

3.- Cares related with the consumption.

4.- Cares related with the elimination.

5.- Basic cares in the alteration of the need of *termorregulación.

6.- Collected of diverse samples for his analysis.

7.- The infirmary in front of him pain.
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