Guia docente 2016_17
E. U. de Enfermaría (Povisa)
Grao en Enfermaría
  Biochemistry: Biochemistry
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Multiple choice tests Proofs for evaluation of the competitions purchased that include questions closed with different alternatives of answer (true/fake, multiple election, *emparellamento of elements...). The students select an answer go in a number limited of possibilities 40 C1
Short answer tests Proofs for evaluation of the competitions purchased that include direct questions envelope a concrete aspect. The students owe to answer of direct and brief way in base to the knowledges that have envelope to subject 20 C1
Long answer tests and development *Incluen Open questions envelope a subject.The students owe to develop, relate and *organizaros knowledges that have envelope to subject, in an extensive answer. 20 A1
Troubleshooting and / or exercises Resolution of problems or exercises in a time determined 20 A1
Other comments on the Evaluation
<*p>Stop the students that do not achieve the *calificación of approved in the 1º announcement, will establish a system of recovery that will be *basado in *titorias individual or in reduced groups, with realization of proofs enabling writings check the advance in the recovery and that will be taken into account to the hour to qualify the *rpoba of the second announcement
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