Guia docente 2016_17
E. U. de Enfermaría (Povisa)
Grao en Enfermaría
  Psychology: Psychology
Topic Sub-topic
*Descripción And conceptual frame of the infirmary *psicosocial. Main schools of psychology. The *psicoloxia in the *entorno of the infirmary. *Multiculturalidade And approach of *saude - *enfermedade.

Attitudes and basic knowledges stop a felicitous therapeutic relation Emotion, types, models. Emotional intelligence. *Autocoñexemento. *Enseñanza *y Education *al patient. Concept of relation *terapeutica, aim, phases, objectives.Cognitive therapy. *Guestalt. Therapy of *Conducta. *Psicoanálise.
Emotional implication of the personal of infirmary and prevention of the negative consequences for it *sua *saude.Techniques of relaxation.Progressive relaxation of Jacobson. Method of *Schultz.*Cuidados To the *cuidador. *Burnout.
Phases in the *desenrolo evolutionary Basic concepts in evolutionary psychology. Main authors. Stages in the childhood. Adolescence risks. Disorders of the #feeding. Adolescence and other *alteracions. Age adult. *Estres,depression and other pathologies associated the distinct phases of the *desenrolo evolutionary.
Psychological aspects of the user in them *cuidados of *saude. The illness is his impact in the life of the *persona. Mental representation of the illness. Chronic and acute illness. Anxiety, *emocions, corporal image, fear to death. Strategies of *afrontamento. Paper of infirmary in the correct approach it the patient.Hospitalization is his psychological impact. The hospital how threatening @escenario. Terminal patient, *oncolóxico, childish, *quirúrxico etc. Characteristics that define them and way to board them.
Identification of #phenomenon *psicosociais. *Principales #Phenomenon *psicosociais that appear in the social interaction :perception of *personas, attitudes, stereotypes, *presion of group, ideology, culture, expectations, *sexismo, *xenofobia, racism, power.
I handle of problems related with the violence of gender. Cases of abuse, harass, violence of gender, familiar violence. Emotional implication of the personal of infirmary and prevention of the negative consequences for it *sua *saude. Protocol of performance
Identify basic skills of effective communication Concept of communication. Elements. Styles. Social skills. The communication with the patient. Protocol of *Buckman. Communication with the difficult patient. Questionnaires and proofs for *autoconoñecemento in competition of communication. *Estres And communication.
Phases of him *desenvolvimiento human from him point of view *psicosocial. Basic concepts: Unit *biopsicosocial, culture, integration, family, *desenvolvmento. Authors that pose developmental stages: *Erikson, *Vigotsky, *Piaget, Freud, *Bandura... Paper of infirmary.
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