Guia docente 2016_17
E. U. de Enfermaría (Povisa)
Grao en Enfermaría
  Human Anatomy: Human Anatomy
Topic Sub-topic
Concept of Human Anatomy. Anatomical position and points of reference. Generalities of Anatomy
To anatomy.
Anatomical terminology.
Anatomical position.
Terminos Of relation, comparison and movements.
Anatomical planes.
Organic cavities. Mediastino And peritoneum
Organs, devices and systems.
Device locomotor Osteología Of the axial skeleton.
Osteología Of the skeleton apendicular.
Nervous system Organisation: Central Nervous system and Peripheral.
Organs of the central nervous system: anatomical organisation and location; his structures and his components; his functions.
Organs of the peripheral nervous system: anatomical organisation and location; his structures and his components; his functions.
Nervous roads of the central nervous system and peripheral nerves (cranial and raquídeos), sensitivos and engines more important.Nervous plexora.
Autonomous or vegetative nervous system.
The reflections: concept, classification and characteristic of the most important reflections
Meninges and liquid cefalorraquídeo
Organs of the senses Organ of the vision: The ocular globe and structures that compose them. Musculature extrínseca of the eye.Glands lagrimales and elements accessories of the eye.
Organ of the audition: The external hearing, half and internal: Location and limits of the same, structures that compose them and his organisation. The trompa of Eustaquio and the cells mastoideas.
Organ of the smell.
Organ of the taste.
The skin and his sensory organs.
Endocrine system Organisation of the endocrine system.
Location and anatomical characteristics of the endocrine glands.
Anatomy of the axis hypothalamus-hipofisario.
System cardiocirculatorio Anatomy of the heart.
Anatomy of the circulatory system.
Organisation of the system cardiocirculatorio.
Respiratory device Upper respiratory tracts (nose,faringe,laringe).
Vias Respiratory inferior (trachea and main bronchuses).
Lung and pleura.
Digestive device The mouth and the salivary glands.
Faringe. Oesophagus. Stomach.
Small intestine and thickness.
Liver, gall bladder and pancreas.
Device genitourinario Anatomy of the main organs (kidneys, ureters, bladder,urethra).
Organisation of the urinary system.
Organs reproductores masculine (prostate, seminal vesicles, testicles, penis).
Organisation of the system reproductor masculine and seminal road.
Organs reproductores feminine (vulva,vagina, útero, ovaries, trompas of falopio).
Organisation of the system reproductor feminine.
Histology Concept.
The cell epitelial and the fabric epitelial: types, characteristic, location and functions. The skin.
The cells of the fabric *conjuntivo. The fabric conjuntivo: types, characteristic, location and functions. The fabrics of sustains: Bone and cartilage: characteristics, location and functions.
The muscular cell and the muscular fabric: characteristics, location and functions.
The cells of the nervous fabric, and the nervous fabric: characteristics, location and functions. The grey substance and the white substance.
Médula Osseous. The blood. Fabric linfoide. Organs linfoides
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