Educational guide 2016_17
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Degree in Industrial Chemical Engineering
  Technical English II
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Classroom work Practical tasks in relation to listening comprehension and writing skill. 30
Presentations / exhibitions Performance of the speaking skill in relation to engineering topics, aimed to consolidate a fluent communication in English. 20
Others To reach a competent level of speaking in given situations, in order to comment and discuss distinctive features of a specific topic. 20
Short answer tests These are in relation to testing grammar usage and its applications in the Technical English framework. Students perform short answers exercises such as fill in the gaps, transformations, cloze, multiple choice, etc. to test their knowledge of the linguistic skill of Use of English. 10
Practical tests, real task execution and / or simulated. The performance of reading comprehension assessments carried out on articles about technology dissemination. 20
Other comments on the Evaluation
1. There are two evaluation systems.

Choosing a system excludes the other. To qualify under the system of continuous evaluation, students are required to attend 80% of the total lecture hours with academic progress and involvement. Therefore students not attending the total hours of the percentage established will lose this option. Students making use of the continuous evaluation counts 100% in the assessment of their final grade with the course assignments and testings. The failure to complete the assignments requested along the course will be counted as a zero (0.0). The assignments requested must be delivered or submitted by the deadlines and dates marked beforehand.

Students making use of the only evaluation or final examination sit for examination with a final overall assessment, taking place on the oficial date established by the School of Industrial Engineering. To this end, students should consult the School web site, where the examination date and time are specified in accordance to students’ subject attendance either Campus or City Centre (Torrecedeira).

1. a. Continuous Evaluation

The final mark for this subject is computed taking into consideration all the skills practiced during the course. Therefore each of them counts as follows: Listening (20%); Speaking (40%); Reading (20%); Writing (20%). The sum of these four skills represents the 80% for the mark, whereas Use of English examination sums up 20%.

So, the final mark will be established adding skills and Use of English tests up to 100%, being 5 (five) the mark necessary to obtain a pass in all skills and Use of English tests.

Students, who in the publication of the first assessment record, have scored a non-pass in one or several skills, must retake the part or parts for the corresponding failed skills in the July exam of 2017 to obtain a pass. In case of a second non-pass in July 2017, students must undergo examination for all skills in future courses. Therefore, those passed parts will not be taken into account in the future or subconsequent to course 2016-2017.

Partial or total plagiarism in any of the assignment or activity will result in an automatic non-pass on the subject. Plead ignorance of what plagiarism is, will not exempt students of their responsibility in this regard.

1. b. Final Examination (May and July)

The only examination is computed as follows. Overall final assessment counts 80% for Listening (20%); Speaking and oral presentation (40%); Reading (20%); Writing (20%), whereas Use of English test sums up 20%. So, the final mark will be established adding skills and Use of English test up to 100%, being 5 (five) the mark necessary to obtain a pass in all skills and short answer tests.

Regarding July assessment (second call assessment) continuous evaluation students will undergo examination for the specific parts of the subject contents not completed; while students of the only examination who failed in the previous exam notification (first call) must undergo an assessment of the total subject contents (100%).

Both continuous assessment and final examination will take into account not only the relevance and appropriateness of the content of the answers, but also their linguistic correctness. In addition, during the examinations no dictionaries, notes or electronic devices (mobile phones, tablets, PCs, etc.) will be allowed. It is students’ responsibility to check FAITIC or their e-mails to be kept up to date on the uploaded teaching materials, as well as to be aware of examination or submission dates.

All the comments here indicated also pertain to Erasmus students. In the event of not being able to access information on FAITIC, students have to contact the teacher to solve the problem.

Ethical commitment:

Students are requested to present an adequate ethical behaviour. In case of detecting an unethical behaviour (coping, plagiarism, use of not authorized electronic devices, and others) will be considered that the student does not meet the requisites necessary to pass the subject. In this case, the global qualification in the present academic course will be of a fail (0.0).
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