Educational guide 2016_17
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Degree in Electrical Engineering
  Fundamentals of Engineering Graphics
Topic Sub-topic
Block 0.
Computer-aided drawing 2D.
Sketching, and application of Norms
0.1 Introduction to the Computer-aided Drawing.
Surroundings of work. Systems of Coordinates.
You order of Drawing. Graphic entities. Helps to the drawing. References to entities.
You order of Modification.
You order of Visualisation.
You order of Query.
Impression and scales.

0.2. Sketching, and application of Norms
Block I 2D. Flat Geometry. 1.1 I Review of previous knowledges.
1.2 Conical: definitions, focal and main circumferences, tangent line and normal in a point, tangent line from an external point.
1.3 Tangencies between straight and circumferences and between circumferences (26 cases).
Tools of resolution: geometrical places, operations of dilatation and investment.
1.4 Trochoids: definition, traced and tangent line in a point.
Block II 3D. Systems of representation.
2.1 Introduction: Types of projections. Invariants *proyectivos.
2.2 System *Diédrico:
Belonging and Incidence.
Parallelism and *Perpendicularidad.
Operations: Twists, Changes flatly and *Abatimientos.
Surfaces: Polyhedral, Irradiated and of Revolution,
Surfaces: Flat Sections, Development and transformed of the section.
2.3 System of Bounded Planes;
Belonging and Incidence.
Parallelism and *Perpendicularidad.
2.4 Axonometric System:
Axonometric scales.
Types of *Axonometrias: *trimétrica, *dimétrica and isometric
2.5 System of Cavalier Perspective:
Block III. Normalisation Generalities on the drawing:
- The drawing like language.
- Types of drawings: technicians and artistic.
- Technical drawings: architectural, topographical and industrial.
- Industrial drawing: Sketch, conjoint diagrams, *despieces and geometrical drawing.

Normalisation of the drawing:
- Advantages of the normalisation.
- Difference between regulation, specification and norm.

Basic normalisation: formats, writing, types of line, scales, etc.

Representation normalised:
- basic Principles of representation. Methods of projection
- Seen. Seen particular: auxiliaries, interrupted, partial, local, turned, etc.
- Courts, Sections and Breaks: Specifications, types of cut, sections (knocked down, displaced), etc.
- *Rayado of courts: types of line, orientation, etc.
- Conventionalisms: symmetrical pieces, repetitive elements, details, intersections, adjacent parts, etc.

- General principles of dimensioning.
- Types of *acotación. Classification of the heights.
- Principles of *acotación.
- Elements of *acotación: Lines, extremes of lines, *inscriciones, etc.
- Forms of *acotación: series, parallel, by coordinates, etc.
- *Acotación of particular elements: radios, diameters, spheres, arches, symmetries, chamfers, etc.
- Threads and threaded unions.
Elements of a thread. Threaded elements.
Classification of the threads.
Representation of the threads.
Threads normalised.
- *Acotación Of threaded elements.
- Designation of the threads.

Drawings of group and *despiece:
- Rules and agreements: reference to elements, material, numbering of planes, examples.
- *Acotación Of groups. List of *despiece.

Systems of tolerances:
- Types of tolerances: dimensional and geometrical.
- Dimensional tolerances: linear and angular.
- Tolerances ISO: qualities, positions, types of adjust, etc.
- Systems of adjust. Examples.
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