Guia docente 2016_17
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Degree in Telecommunications Technologies Engineering
  Power Electronics
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Autonomous troubleshooting and / or exercises Semanalmente, o profesorado da materia encargará ao alumnado a execución de tarefas e a entrega do informe de execución. 10 C43
Troubleshooting and / or exercises Each exam is composed by exercises and problems related to the theoretical concepts and laboratory
practices. The number of exams and examination rules are detailed in "Other comments"
90 C43
Other comments on the Evaluation

In this subject there are two ways to evaluate to the students: continuous evaluation or
evaluation by final examination.

1. Continuous evaluation.

Consists in the execution of weekly tasks and the realisation of tests
of partial evaluation.

1.1 Weekly tasks: weekly, the professor will commission
to the students the execution of tasks and the delivery of the report of execution. To
be able to approve the subject by continuous evaluation is compulsory to realise and
deliver the reports in the term fixed by the professor. These tasks will evaluate the competencies CE43 and CE44. Students will be able to obtain 10% of
the final qualification

1.2 Tests of partial evaluation: students will realise three written tests
of partial evaluation. The partial tests are not recoverable, that is, if a student
can not attend the test, professors
do not have obligation to repeat them. The qualifications of the partial tests
will be valid only for the current academic year. It is understood that students choose continuous evaluation if they attend some of the partial tests. Their
qualification will be the one of continuous evaluation. These tests will evaluate the competencies CE43 and CE44

1st partial test: students will be evaluated of the contents taught to date of the test. Students will be able to obtain in this test 25% of
the final qualification. This test will be held about week 7.

2nd partial test: students will be evaluated of the contents taught to
date of the test. Students will be able to obtain in this test 25% of
the final qualification. This test will be held about week 11.

3rd partial test: it will be held during 60 minutes  in the date and classroom of the final
examination. Students will be evaluated of the contents taught to
date of the test. Students will be able to obtain in this test 40% of
the final qualification. This test will be held on a date chosen by
the Dean of the Faculty (date final examination).

2. Evaluation by final examination

The final examination evaluates students that did not participate in continuous evaluation. Consists of theoretical questions, problems and exercises. Students will be able to obtain in this test  90% of
the final qualification and 10% by the submission of  the report including all the partial tasks proposed along the course. This test will be held during 2 hours on a date chosen by
the Dean of the Faculty. This final examination will evaluate the competencies CE43 and CE44.

3. Extraordinary examination (June-July)

Consists of theoretical questions, problems and exercises. Students will be able to obtain in this test  90% of
the final qualification and 10% by the submission of  the report including all the partial tasks proposed along the course. This
test will be held during 2 hours on a date chosen by
the Dean of the Faculty. This final examination will evaluate the competencies CE43 and CE44.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000