Educational guide 2016_17
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Máster Universitario en Enxeñaría Industrial
  Design of Industrial Electronic Systems
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Self-assessment tests Continuous Assessment:

This assessment is integrated by three individual exams, each one of them related to a block of topics.

These individual exams will be held by electronics means with an online immediately assessment, along lecture time hours.
The exam will be a combination of any of the following types of exercises:
- Test Questions
- Short Answer Questions
- Analysis Problems
- Practical Cases

Each test will have a maximum value of 10 points and the final score will be the average value of the three test. In order to have a final score, it is necesary that the minimum score in each test will be 2 points out of 10.
If one of the test have a score of less than two points, this will be the final score.
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Reports / memories of practice The laboratory sessions will be evaluated in a continuous way, on each session. The applied criteria are:
- A minimum attendance of 80%
- Punctuality
- Previous task preparation of the sessions
- Make the most of the session

The practical sessions will be held in groups of two students. The documents of the practices will be available prior to the sessions. The students will fill a report, that will be delivered when the session ends. This report serves to justify both the attendance and how they have done the work asked for.
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Other comments on the Evaluation
Guidelines for progress and recovery:

If a student don't pass the course on the first call for exams, a second call is made. The grade of this second call will be the sum of:

1 - The grade from the laboratory sessions, with a weight of 30% of the final grade.
2 - The grade of the individual exam made in this second call, with a weight of 70% of the final grade.

In order to pass the final score achieved must be equal or great then 5 points out of 10.

Once finished the current academic period, the final grade looses its validity. The grade achieved in the self-assessment and in the laboratory sessions will be valid, unless the student wants to repeat them.

Students who waive the continuous assessment must take a written exam, on the day and time established by the school direction board and a specific laboratory test, on the day and time when the professors and the laboratory are available.

Both exams will be evaluated on a maximum of 10 points each. The final grade will be the average of the two exams, and in order to pass the course it is necessary to achieve a grade equal or higher than 5 points on the written exam and on the laboratory test.

Ethical Commitment:

It is expected that the student should present appropriate ethical behavior. In case of detecting a non-ethical behavior (for instance: copying, plagiarism, unauthorized electronic devices use), shall be deemed that the student is not eligible to overcome. In this case, the overall rating in the present academic year will be the lowest one (0.0).

The use of any electronic device is not allowed during the assessment tests. Exceptions will be specifically stated for those authorized. Enter a  not authorized electronic device in the test room will be considered reason for not overcoming the matter in the present academic year, and the overall grade will be the lowest one (0.0).

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000