Guia docente 2016_17
Facultade de CC. Sociais e da Comunicación
Grao en Dirección e Xestión Pública
  Statistics: Introduction to administrative statistics
Topic Sub-topic
Chapter 1: Population, sample and variables Basic concepts. Population, sample, types of variables.
Chapter 2: Analysis of one-dimensional data Tables of frequencies, graphic representations, temporary series, parameters, estimators, main one-dimensional analytical measures (position, dispersion and form).
Chapter 3: Analysis of two-dimensional data Tables of double entrance, graphic representations, main measures of correlation and association.
Chapter 4: Public statistics Organisation of the statistical activity in the administrations: local (Galicia), national (Spain) and international (Europe). Legislation. Access and basic manipulation of official database (EuroStat, INEBase, IGE)
Chapter 5: Introduction to Statistical Computing Introduction to electronic spreadsheets with statistical functions.
Resolution of practical cases.
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