Guia docente 2015_16
E. U. de Enfermería (Povisa)
Grao en Enfermaría
  Clinical Nursing III
Topic Sub-topic
1. Pathology *Endocrina 1.1 Pathology *Endocrina
1.1.1 General Concepts
1.1.2 Remembrance *Anatómico
1.1.3 General Assessment *Endocrina
1.1.4 Medical Treatment
1.1.5 Surgical Treatment
1.2 Pathology of the *Hipotálamo
1.3 Pathology *Hipofisaria
1.3.1 *Hiperpituitarismo
1.3.2 *Hipopituitarismo
1.3.3 Illnesses of the *Neurohipófisis
1.4 Pathology *Tiroidea
1.4.1 Illnesses *Benignas of the *Tiroides *Hipertiroidismo Hypothyroidism *Bocio *Tiroiditis
1.4.2 *Neoplasias of the *Tiroides Cancer *Papilar *Tiroides Cancer *Folicular *Tiroides Medullary Cancer *Tiroides Cancer *Anaplásico *Tiroides Lymphomas *Tiroideos Cancer *Metastásico *Tiroideo
1.5 Pathology *Paratiroidea
1.5.1 *Hiperparatiroidismo Primary
1.5.2 *Hiperparatiroidismo Secondary
1.5.3 Other *Hiperparatiroidismos
1.5.4 *Hipoparatiroidismo
1.6 Tumours *Endocrinos of the Pancreas
1.6.1 *Insulinoma
1.6.2 *Gastrinoma
1.6.3 *Glucagonoma
1.6.4 *Vipoma
1.6.5 Other Tumours *Endocrinos *Pancreáticos
1.7 Pathology *Suprarrenal and of the *Gónadas
1.7.1 Syndrome *Cushing
1.7.2 Illness of Addison
1.7.3 *Aldosteronismo Primary
1.7.4 *Feocromocitoma
1.7.5 *Carcinoma *Suprarrenal
1.7.6 *Incidentalomas
1.8 *Neoplasia *Endocrina Multiple
1.8.1 *Neoplasia *Endocrina Multiple *I
1.8.2 *Neoplasia *Endocrina Multiple II MEN IIthe MEN II*b
1.8.3 *Neoplasia *Endocrina Multiple III
1.9 Obesity
1.9.1 I Handle Dietary
1.9.2 I Handle *Farmacológico
1.9.3 I Handle *Quirúrgico
1.10 *Diabetes
1.11 *Dislipemias
1.12 *Hiperuricemia
1.13 Infirmary *Endocrina
1.13.1 Cares of infirmary
1.13.2 Techniques of infirmary
1.13.7 Treatments. Administration of the same
1.13.3 Sanitary Education
1.13.4 Prevention of Complications

2 *Politraumatismos 4.1 it Bear Vital Advanced
4.2 Assistance to the *Politraumatizado. General concepts
4.3 Abdominal Traumatisms
4.4 Syndrome *Compartimental
4.5 Hepatic Traumatism and *Esplénico
4.6 Intestinal Traumatisms
4.7 Traumatisms *Pancreáticos
4.8 Traumatisms *Torácicos
4.9 Traumatisms *Cervicais
4.10 Hematoma *Retroperitoneal
3 Renal Pathology and *Urolóxica 5.1 Study of the patient with Renal Illness. Pathology *Nefrourológica
5.1.1 Assessment Renal Function and *Urinaria
5.1.2 I Handle of the Renal Illnesses
5.1.3 I Handle of the Illnesses *Urolóxicas
5.2 Renal Illnesses
5.2.1 Renal Insufficiency Acute
5.2.2 Renal Insufficiency Chronicle
5.2.3 Syndrome *Nefrótico
5.2.4 *Nefropatías *Glomerulares
5.2.5 *Nefropatías *Túbulointersticiais
5.3 *Hemodiálise
5.4 *Diálise *Peritoneal
5.5 Patient *Urolóxico
5.5.1 Evaluation of the patient *Urolóxico
5.5.2 Symptoms and Signs
5.5.3 Technical *Diagnósticas
5.6 Illnesses *Benignas *Tracto *Xenitourinario
5.6.1 Illnesses *Infecciosas of the *Tracto *Genitourinario
5.6.2 Illnesses *Inflamatorias of the *Tracto *Xenitourinario
5.7 Pathology *Urolóxica Renal
5.7.1 *Uropatía *Obstructiva
5.7.2 Renal Tumours
5.8 Pathology *Vesical
5.8.1 Dysfunctions *neuromusculares of the *tracto *urinario
5.8.2 Tumours *Vesicais
5.9 Pathology *Prostática
5.9.1 *Hiperplasia Benigna of the *Próstata
5.9.2 Cancer of the *Próstata
510 Pathology of the Testicle
5.10.1 *Escroto Acute
5.10.2 Tumours of the Testicle and *Paratesticulares
5.11 Genital Pathology Masculine and Sexual Dysfunction
5.12 Cares of infirmary in the patient *urolóxico
5.12.1 Techniques
5.12.2 Treatments
512.3 sanitary Education
5.12.4 Prevention of complications
4 *Doazón of organs 8.1 legislative Aspects poles that regulate the activities of *obtención and utilization of organs and *texidos.
8.2 Diagnostic and certification of the *muerte.
8.3 presumptive Consent.
8.4 National Organisation of the Transplant (ONT). Office of Coordination of the Transplant of Galicia.
8.5 Coordination of the Transplant to hospitable level.
8.6 *Qué organs and *texidos can donate .
8.7 Assessment of the potential donor.
8.8 familiar Interview.
8.9 Maintenance of the donor.
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