Guia docente 2015_16
Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial
Grao en Enxeñaría Eléctrica
  Technical English II
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Classroom work Practical tasks in relation to listening comprehension and writing skill. 30 B10
Presentations / exhibitions Performance of the speaking skill in relation to engineering topics, aimed to consolidate a fluent communication in English. 20 B10
Others To reach a competent level of speaking in given situations, in order to comment and discuss distinctive features of a specific topic. 20 B10
Short answer tests These are in relation to testing grammar usage and its applications in the Technical English framework. Students perform short answers exercises such as fill in the gaps, transformations, cloze, multiple choice, etc. to test their knowledge of the linguistic skill of Use of English. 10 B10
Practical tests, real task execution and / or simulated. The performance of reading comprehension assessments carried out on articles about technology dissemination. 20 D9
Other comments on the Evaluation

They exist two systems of evaluation. The election of a system excludes to the another. 

To be able to receive to the system of the continuous evaluation is necessary to assist to 80% of the face-to-face hours with academic progress and participation. That/the student/to that no scope said percentage, will lose this option. 

Students that receive to the continuous evaluation will compute him 100% of the final qualification with the works and proofs of the course. The no realisation of the works requested along the course will compute like a zero. The works requested will have to deliver or present in the terms and dates marked.

The only evaluation, that will realise that/ace students/ace that receive to her, will consist in a global proof final that will develop in the official date established by the School of Industrial Engineers. For this students will have to consult the web of said centre, where specify the day and the hour of the celebration of the examinations, attendance to the centre Campus or City (*Torrecedeira) in which there is studied this matter. 

The only evaluation will compute of the following way: global proof final 60% (Use *of *English 40%; oral understanding (*listening) 20%; understanding reader (*reading) 20%; expression written (*writing) 20%. The oral exhibition and oral expression will compute 40%. 

For the proof of July, Students of continuous evaluation only will examine of the parts of the no surpassed matter; whereas students of only evaluation, in case of not surpassing the examination of the first announcement, will have to present to 100% of the contents of the matter.

Ethical commitment: it expects that the/the student/to present a suitable ethical behaviour. In the case to detect a no ethical behaviour (copy, plagiarism, utilisation of unauthorised electronic devices, and others) will consider that the/the student/to does not gather the necessary requirements to surpass the matter. In this case the global qualification in the present academic course will be of suspense (0.0).

It will not allow the utilisation of any electronic device during the proofs of evaluation except permission expresses. The fact to use an unauthorised electronic device in the classroom of examination will be considered reason of no *superación of the matter in the present academic course and the global qualification will be of suspense (0.0).
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000