Guia docente 2015_16
E. T. S. de Ingeniería de Minas
Grao en Enxeñaría dos Recursos Mineiros e Enerxéticos
  Ornamental and industrial rocks
Topic Sub-topic
MINERWENT AGGREGATES Current situation of the sector. Investigation of deposits and design of exploitations of aggregates.
PROPERTIES And APPLICATIONS AGGREGATES Basic properties of the arid. Methods of essay normalized. Applications of the aggregates.
DEPOSITS OF AGGREGATES Exploration And investigation.
SPECIAL AGGREGATES Properties and applications.
DESIGN OF EXPLOITATIONS Calculation of reservations. Methods of exploitation. Design of exploitations to the discovered and underground.
PRODUCTION OF ARID, CEMENTS, CONCRETES And ASPHALT PAVEMENTS Design, operation and maintenance of plants of arid, cements, concretes and asphalt pavements
MINERWENT OF The ORNAMENTAL ROCKS Current situation of the sector. Investigation and exploitation of deposits of ornamental rocks. Techniques of start.
MANUFACTURE OF ORNAMENTAL ROCKS Design, operation and maintenance of ships of manufacture of ornamental rocks.
ESSAYS OF CHARACTERIZATION Essays of characterization of the natural stone.
INDUSTRIAL MINERALS. PROPERTIES And APPLICATIONS Properties and applications of the mineral industrial. Design, operation and maintenance of plants of production of industrial minerals.
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