Educational guide 2015_16
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Máster Universitario en Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
  Codeseño Hardware/Software de Sistemas Empotrados
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Troubleshooting and / or exercises Problem Based Learning.
Resolution of exercises and theoretical problems. The majority of them will be focused on the theoretical approach to the design of a peripheral of an embedded system.
The problems will be based on the theoretical topics.
It will be necessary to show to the professor the operation of each one of the circuits and programs.
The correct application of the theoretical concepts to the problems will be assessed, based on the published criteria.
It will be necessary to deliver the documentation requested by the professor for each one of the exercises.
25 A5
Laboratory practises Design circuits and programs in the laboratory sessions corresponding to the laboratory lessons 1 to 5.
It will be necessary to show to the professor the operation of each one of the circuits and programs.
It will be necessary to deliver the design source files.
The assessment will be based on the operation of the digital system and the correct application of the theoretical concepts, according to the published criteria.
25 A5
Tutored works Project Based Learning.
Laboratory Project. Design of an embedded system.
It will be necessary to deliver the files source of the work realized. It will be necessary to deliver the design source files.
The assessment will be based on the operation of the embedded system and the correct application of the theoretical concepts, according to the published criteria.
40 A5
Presentations / exhibitions It will be necessary to do an oral presentation of 15 minutes as a maximum about the work, according to the index supplied by the teacher. 10 A5
Other comments on the Evaluation

The total mark will be the sum of the marks obtained
in the different tasks of the subject.

The global mark of the theoretical problems has to
be equal or greater than 5 over 10 in order to pass the subject. The mark of
the Laboratory Project has to be equal or greater than 5 over 10 in order to
pass the subject.

All the students, both those who follow the subject
continuously and those who want to be assessed in the final exam at the end
of the term or in the extraordinary exam in July, will have to do the tasks
described in the previous section. The students that do not attend classes
regularly will also have to do the same tasks as the students who attend

The final mark will be expressed in numerical form
ranging from 0 to 10, according to the valid regulation (Royal decree
1125/2003 of 5 September; BOE 18 September). Following the guidelines of the
degree the students will be offered two assessment systems: continuous
assessment and final assessment at the end of the term.


• The students are considered to have chosen the
continuous assessment when they have done 2 laboratory practices and/or 2
reports of theoretical exercises.

• The students that have chosen continuous
assessment, but do not pass the course, will have to do the final assessment
in July.

• The students that pass the course by means of
continuous assessment will not be allowed to repeat any task in the final
assessment in order to improve the mark.

• The different tasks should be delivered in the
date specified by the teacher, otherwise they will not be assessed for the
continuous assessment.

• The students will develop the theoretical
exercises, the laboratory practices and the laboratory projects in groups of
two students during the continuous assessment.

• The students who want to be assessed in the
continuous assessment can only miss two sessions as a maximum. If they miss
more than 2 sessions, it will be compulsory to do an additional individual
task or an examination.


• The students that opt for the final assessment
will have to do all the theoretical and practical tasks and the project

• The tasks for the final assessment have to be
delivered before the official date of the examination set by the faculty.

In case the students pass the theoretical exercises
(TE), the laboratory practices (LAB) and the laboratory project (LP), that
is, the mark of each part >= 5, the final mark (FM) will be the weighted
sum of the marks of each part of the subject:

FM = 0'25 * TE
+ 0'25 * LAB + 0'40 * LP + 0'10 * OP

In case the students do not pass any of the three
main parts of the subject, that is, the mark of any task < 5, the final
mark (FM) will be:

FM = Minimum [4'5; (FM = 0'25 * TE + 0'25 * LAB +
0'40 * LP + 0'10 * OP) ]


TE = Global mark of the theoretical exercises and

LAB = Guided Laboratory Practices.

LP = Laboratory Project.

OP = Oral presentation.


1) Realization of guided laboratory practices.

It will evaluate the correct operation of the
circuits and programs developed in the laboratory sessions. Each laboratory
lesson will be marked from 0 to 10. Its influence in the total mark of the
subject will be weighted in function of the number of hours assigned to each

That is, the mark of the practices corresponding to
the laboratory lessons 1 to 5 will be obtained through the following formula:

LAB = ( Lesson 1L + Lesson 2L + Lesson 3L + Lesson
4L + Lesson 5L ) / 5

The total mark of the guided laboratory practices
(LAB) will correspond to 25% of the total mark of the subject. It will be
necessary to deliver the required source files. The assessment criteria refer
only to the functionality of the circuits and programs developed, that is,
the circuits and programs have to work perfectly to obtain the maximum mark.

2) Theoretical exercises and problems.

Each one of the theoretical exercises and problems
proposed in the theoretical sessions will be marked from 0 to 10. Its
influence in the total mark of the subject will be weighted in function of
the number of exercises assigned.

The majority of the exercises will consist in the
design of a peripheral for an embedded system and the approach to the design
of a complete embedded system with its peripherals.

The assessment criteria are the following:

2.1) Suitable distribution of tasks between
“hardware” and “software".

2.2) Suitable organization of the “hardware” and
suitable structure of the C program.

2.3) Correct design (CORR).

Optimization of the VHDL description and the C programs.
Synchronous design. Reusable design.

2.4) Functionality (FUNC).

If the exercise asks for it, the behavioral
simulation and synthesis of the VHDL, as well as the simulation of the C
programs have to work perfectly.

2.5) Documentation (DOC).

i. Design source files.

ii. Enough comments in the VHDL and C files to
explain the sentences used.

It will be necessary to deliver the required source
files. The total mark will be the sum of the marks of each one of the
exercise reports divided by the number of reports:

TE = (Exercise 1 + … + Exercise N) / N

3) Autonomous Laboratory Project.

This project consists in the design of an embedded
system. The assessment criteria are the following:

3.1) Suitable distribution of tasks between
“hardware” and “software".

3.2) Suitable organization of the hardware system
and suitable structure of the C program.

3.3) Correct design (CORR). System entirely synthesizable.
Suitable hierarchy arrangement. Design totally synchronous. Technology
independent design. Reusable design.

3.4) Analysis of the design and the implementation
in FPGAs (ANA). Analysis of the FPGA logical resources used and their
justification. Analysis of the internal system delays. Analysis of the chosen
implementation options. Optimal utilization of the FPGA logical resources.
Achievement of an optimal processing speed. Verification with Chipscope.

3.5) Functionality (FUNC). Software Simulation.
Software Debugging. Behavioral and Timing Simulation of the different
hardware circuits. Simulation of the complete embedded system (hardware +
software). Debugging of the complete embedded system (hardware + software).
Board test of the complete embedded system (hardware + software). All the
sections have to work perfectly to obtain the maximum mark.

6) Documentation of the design and the
implementation with FPGAs (DOC).

3.6.1) Document.

i. Clear structure and order.

ii. Clear and sufficient explanations for the
understanding of the work developed.

iii. Include suitable figures.

iv. Include important data.

3.6.2) Source design files.

i. Sufficient comments in the VHDL files for its

ii. Sufficient comments in the C files for its

For the Autonomous Laboratory Project (LP), it will
be necessary to do an oral presentation.

3.7) Laboratory Project Oral Presentation.

The work developed during the laboratory project
will be presented. The assessment criteria are the following:

i. Clear structure and presentation order.

ii. Clear explanations.

iii. Enough explanations to understand the project.

iv. Suitable figures.

v. Relevant data.

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