Educational guide 2015_16
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Máster Universitario en Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
  Redes sen Fíos e Computación Ubicua
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Master Session A theoretical (written) examination (T) will be held at the end of the course. 35 A1
Laboratory practises Attendance of these sessions are mandatory. If for some reason one is lost, the students will have to retake it doing some supplementary homework defined ad hoc by the teachers. Any concept studied in these practises may also be required in the final theoretical examination (T).
The 50% of the assesment of the subject will be tied to the project work (P) in which the student will be involved. This partial grade will be evaluated after delivery, assessing issues such as the correctness, the quality, the originality, and the functionalities of the implementation, as well as the associated presentation and/or final report. Also during the development of the project, the teachers will supervise how things are being done by the group to assess the individual involvement of each student in the development.
And the remaining 15% will come from debate sessions, promoted by teachers ahead of time, and where we are going to evaluate the understanding of the addressed topic and the quality and clarity of the presentation that the speaker will stand up to other peers, or the participation of the listeners in the discussions.
65 A1
Forum Index The assessment of the students' participation in this online activity is integrated together with the activity labeled as "debate" within the laboratory practises assesment. 0
Other comments on the Evaluation
<p>The assessment of the subject can follow either the &quot;continuous evaluation&quot; philosophy or a lonely and &quot;final examination&quot;. The student will choose the &quot;continuous evaluation&quot; option if he/she attends any of the control sessions -with the exception of the first one where the teamworks will be assigned- associated to the project work (P) - within laboratory practises. </p><p>The students that do not follow the continuous assessment, must take a special final examination that will be<br />composed of three parts: a theory examination, like the final one in the continuous evaluation (T), an aptitude test in the laboratory (to verify the authenticity of the authorship of the project), and a practical project that must be developed individually (P, substitute of the supervised teamwork within continuous assessment). The whole mark, in this case, will be the mean between the theoretical exam and the project work, provided that the student pass the aptitude test in the lab.</p><p>Finally, the extraordinary examination session in july will have the same characteristics than the special final examination just described, but the students will be able to inherit the partial mark of any activity (T or/and P) if that has been passed during the same academic year, independently of the assesment modality that the student had chosen.</p><p>The use of any supporting documentation during theoretical exams must be explicitly authorized by the professors.</p>
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