Guia docente 2015_16
Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial
Máster Universitario en Procesos de Diseño y Fabricación Mecánica
  Nuevas Estrategias de Fabricación
   Fuentes de información
Strong, A. Brent, Fundamentals of composites manufacturing : materials, methods and applications, 2nd. ed,
Ian Gibson, Advanced manufacturing technology for medical applications : reverse engineering, software conversio, John Wiley and Sons,
Martínez Fernández, Javier, Modelization and structural analysis of FDM parts, API Proceedings,
Grimm, Todd, User's guide to rapid prototyping, SME,
Jacobs, Paul Francis, Stereolithography and other RP&M technologies : from rapid prototyping to rapid tooling, SME,
edited by Peter D. Hilton, Paul F. Jacobs, Rapid tooling : technologies and industrial applications, Dekker,
A.Y.C. Nee, S.K. Ong, and Y.G. Wang (eds.), Computer applications in near net-shape operations, Springer,

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