Guia docente 2015_16
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Máster Universitario en Teatro e Artes Escénicas
  Arts and Representation in the Nineteenth Century
Topic Sub-topic
1.The theatrical genders in the primes of the century XIX.

2.The put in scene in the first half of the century XIX.

3.Theatrical morphology. Companies. Censorship.
4.Scenic writing and theatrical writing.
5.The research of new aesthetic solutions: the realism in scene.
1.1. The triumph of the gender *bastardo.
1.2. 'The battle of Hernani'.
1.3. 'The battle of Mr. Álvaro'.

2.1. Decorated, *atrezo, *iluminación.
2.2. Music and are. Choreography.
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