Educational guide 2015_16
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Grao en Estudos de Galego e Español
  Seminar on Hispanic literature
   Personalized attention
Methodologies Description
Master Session In the hours of *titoría students and students will be able to consult, of way customized, any doubt that have, so much envelope the contents of the *asignatura how envelope the different relative questions to the development of the works. The works realized in the classroom and the study the exercises resolved in the same will explain also, in all moment, with this attention customized. The by mail electronic attention #carry IN The SAME HOURS of the *titorías *presenciais.
Presentations / exhibitions In the hours of *titoría students and students will be able to consult, of way customized, any doubt that have, so much envelope the contents of the *asignatura how envelope the different relative questions to the development of the works. The works realized in the classroom and the study the exercises resolved in the same will explain also, in all moment, with this attention customized. The by mail electronic attention #carry IN The SAME HOURS of the *titorías *presenciais.
Introductory activities In the hours of *titoría students and students will be able to consult, of way customized, any doubt that have, so much envelope the contents of the *asignatura how envelope the different relative questions to the development of the works. The works realized in the classroom and the study the exercises resolved in the same will explain also, in all moment, with this attention customized. The by mail electronic attention #carry IN The SAME HOURS of the *titorías *presenciais.
Tests Description
Jobs and projects In the hours of *titoría students and students will be able to consult, of way customized, any doubt that have, so much envelope the contents of the *asignatura how envelope the different relative questions to the development of the works. The works realized in the classroom and the study the exercises resolved in the same will explain also, in all moment, with this attention customized. The by mail electronic attention #carry IN The SAME HOURS of the *titorías *presenciais.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000