Guia docente 2014_15
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Máster Universitario en Matemática Industrial
  Modelos Matemáticos en Medio Ambiente
   Fuentes de información
C.R. Hadlock, Mathematical modeling in the environment, Mathematical Association of America,
N. Hritonenko – Y. Yatsenko, Mathematical modeling in economics, ecology and the environment, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
J. Pedlosky, Geophysical fluid dynamics, Springer Verlag,

Bibliografía complementaria:

  • S.C. Chapra, Surface water-quality modelling, WCB/McGraw Hill, 1997
  • P.L. Lions, Mathematical topics in fluid mechanics. Vol. 2: Compressible models, Clarendon Press, 1998
  • G.I. Marchuk, Mathematical models in environmental problems, North-Holland, 1986
  • J.C. Nihoul, Modelling of marine systems, Elsevier, 1975
  • L. Tartar, Partial differential equation models in oceanography, Carnegie Mellon Univ., 1999
  • R.K. Zeytounian, Meteorological fluid dynamics, Springer Verlag, 1991
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